The Watchtower Organization is very much aware of what is going on in their false religion. Too many Witnesses no longer believe their teachings to be Biblically correct. An intensive effort to discover disloyalty, subversion, and those causing divisions is now taking place. The Watchtower Organization is now at the breaking point. The new strategy is to hunt down the secret apostates and disfellowship them. Apostacy in the Watchtower org. has gone viral. It appears this pandemic of disloyallty is quite prevalant in Europe. Recently four London Bethelites were disfellowshipped for apostacy. German Bethel branch archivists abruptly left the branch. One high ranking elder in France, Roberto is no longer a Jehovah's Witness! The "house of cards" will continue to topple as more Witnesses digest "new light" on the generation . We will be discussing this and much more on the "six screens of the Watchtower" conference call tonight, January 30, 2010 at 7p.m.EST. It's easy to get on the call, just dial (712-432-8710) and when asked for pin use 9925. The lines open up at 6:30 pm and the program begins at 7p.m.EST. So come in early and talk with all those who have been "touched by the Watchtower".
Conference Call in 15 mins - some here may like to listen
by Gayle 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Mad Sweeney
On this particular topic, what are the opinions here? What would be better or worse? For closet apostates to stay within the borg and plant seeds of doubt where possible? Or for every single member of the conscious class to get up and walk, en masse? Both have some appeal...
That's quite interesting, and as for the best coarse of action, that too. I think I may be part of the witch hunt this week, we'll see. If only it was known how many are part of the conscious class, you also have many who would like to think they are part of the conscious class, yet must 'wait' for things to happen in it's correct time, and for the most part believe everything they are told.
Have you noticed taht the "correct" time never comes? What scandal has ever been resolved satisfactorially? What injustice has ever been corrected and the offending company men disciplined or removed? What financial scam has ever been admitted to and the money returned? None, none, and none.
When convention centers all over the country caught the WTBTS red handed stealing parking money (claiming that they were not charging for parking and then charging for parking by selling parking tickets in the KHs prior to the assemblies), did the WTBTS admit their wrongdoing and return the money? No, they claimed that these convention centers were "persecuting" them for religious reasons.
Exactly, some of my relatives have said just wait. I said I haven't seen ANYTHING changed in the past 10/15 years, I asked them what is the "food at the proper time" the past...20 years. Answer? "Uhhh well the generation thing was cleared up." I said yea, after everyone is about dead, a way to push it off. How is it I learn more in a few hours of study on my own then in the past 20 years there? It's all just repeating the same things over and over and over again.
I wish I had read this earlier. What are these conference calls? Are they monthly, or was this a one-time thing?
The conference calls are put out every two weeks from USA and can go on for several hours. The recordings can be played back normally during the following week,, from the site Six screens of the Watchtower site..
Although there is practically no growth at all in Europe, unfortunately that is not true of the rest of the world. For some reaso the USA had around 4% growth , the highest for some time.
You can listen in to the conference call for free and check it out simply by downloading PalTalk and setting up your password account. Then go to all rooms, Religion, Christianity, SixScreensoftheWatchtower which should show up around 7PM Eastern Time, This way you can also text some listeners on it with you or just ignore the comments and listen in to the show. Since it goes on and on for some 5 or 6 hours sometimes this is a good way to get familiar with it. Now there are bugs from time to time and sometimes the servers bump you off or the site goes down for similar reasons but stay with it and it will be back up. Log back in if you have to. Long sessions like this are not immune to servers doing maintennance on Saturday night or our hitting the wrong keys accidentally. You can also type in questions to the moderator (Barb) and she will ask them for you when or if she gets a chance. Not so easy with everyone trying to say something.
Now if you want to personally participate then you need a telephone with cheap long distance rates. Now if you do not have that, you can Google and download the program called Skype and they have very cheap long distance rates to private phones. And this service is free if you talk to other Skype users so it is a great way to keep up with friends and family as well. All you need to talk is a cheap microphone plugged into your sound card. A best buy or Radio shack item. It has a Keypad on your screen for making calls. You can set up conference calls with it that way.
Usually their is a program of some sort every Saturday, starting at Six thirty or Seven PM Est. Richard Rawe hosts one every other week. And their are other programs on different days and times with Mary Agular, but I do not think her program is on PalTalk. Hope this information is helpful to you.
Joseph - Thank you, yes this is helpful. ...and as long as these are on weekends I can call free since I have unlimited night/weekend calling on my phone.