I have noticed that some posters can sometimes become critical of how another posted has behaved . I believe this critisisam is oftern based on a lack of knowledge of what is acceptable behaviour of the poster in the country they are from. (Ie in a poster could say I remember doing blah blah blah and a poster from an other land can take offence)
It is worth remembering what is a legal in one country is ilegal in another.
What is acceptable social behaviour in one land is unacceptable behaviour in another land.
Having emigrated to Sweden I have discoverd this first hand. I miss working class England where people are accepted for who they are and not the organisation they represent. Thats why I loved the ministry in England . Provided a person is generally interested in another then the color of skin or the religon they belong to doesnt matter. And on that basis the ministry was so differnt to Sweden. You were individual first and only Jehovers Witness if you were more interested in the organisation than the householder.
The great thing about the Internet is that post reaches people from all lands and cultures Instantly. The sad thing is that can lead to judgementalisam.( In advance sorry about any spelling or gramatical mistakes)