The BITE model of mind control: "T" is for "Thought control"

by JimmyPage 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • JimmyPage
    III. Thought Control

    1. Need to internalize the group's doctrine as "Truth"

    a. Map = Reality
    b. Black and White thinking
    c. Good vs. evil
    d. Us vs. them (inside vs. outside)

    2. Adopt "loaded" language (characterized by "thought-terminating clichés"). Words are the tools we use to think with. These "special" words constrict rather than expand understanding. They function to reduce complexities of experience into trite, platitudinous "buzz words".

    3. Only "good" and "proper" thoughts are encouraged.

    4. Thought-stopping techniques (to shut down "reality testing" by stopping "negative" thoughts and allowing only "good" thoughts); rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism.

    a. Denial, rationalization, justification, wishful thinking
    b. Chanting
    c. Meditating
    d. Praying
    e. Speaking in "tongues"
    f. Singing or humming

    5. No critical questions about leader, doctrine, or policy seen as legitimate

    6. No alternative belief systems viewed as legitimate, good, or useful

    (the above info comes from

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Again a 100% WTS match.

    1. The "truth"... black & white thinking... us vs them (true christians vs the world)

    2. Too many buzz words to mention. Gathering instead of party always irrated me. Also, Brother So & So being used like a formal title also annoys me.

    3. Yeah, but that could apply to most religion.

    4. Rejection of rational analysis, JWs??? No chanting or speaking in tongues but you're told to shut the conversation down.

    5. Try asking a question and see what happens if its not dropped quickly.

    6. True christians = only JWs

  • LostGeneration

    4a) Denial, rationalization, justification, wishful thinking

    denial- JW deny 1975, the real 1914 teaching, and most dont even know about 1925

    rationalization- We are just "keeping on the watch" Where else will you go?

    justification - Imperfect men, a perfect org.

    wishful thinking - How many times have you heard a JW say they "wish Armageddon would get here" of course cant really blame them as this is all that gets drummed into their head, the imminence of it.

  • MadGiant



  • ziddina

    Yes, thank you, Jimmy Page!

    Oh, and also, Thank you, Doubting Bro!

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