So, what's going on in my life

by outofthebox 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • outofthebox

    I have been away from this forum for so long I almost forgot my password. LOL. I didn't need it anymore. I am free!!!

    I just wanted to let you know how's everything working out for me and my family now that I have more than a year out of the WT, so others may know that it is possible to break away from the cult and be happy.

    In a nutshell we are doing fine. My fears and WT related problems are gone and I have some closure now. Some of my family members and other JWs I know are out too or planning to get out. So I am very happy for them. Some are still in, but they talk to us, so we are happy for them too. It is a shame to see how they waste their time inside the cult, but other than that, we keep loving each other. We try no to talk about the "thing" and everybody is happy that way.

    So, this is just a quick to let you know that we are happy and if you still in, you can get out and be happy too.

    If you don't see me posting in the forum much is just because I am an ex-ex-jw now

    ttyl guys


  • cantleave

    Well done A successful Exit.

  • Quirky1

    Well said OOTB and glad to hear from you. I wondered where you've been but I also don't come here like I once did. The last I heard you were going to work from within the borg to get people out.

  • outofthebox


    I did help some family members and JW friends to get out. So I am please with the little help I could give them to realize the truth about the WT. And they are know helping others. Now I am finally just having fun with my life. Thanks for asking :)


  • leavingwt

    Wonderful news! I'm so glad you're doing well and you've made the transition. Very encouraging.

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