Joining a Religion for the Business Connections
by new light 7 Replies latest jw friends
new light
Sorry, I hit enter after typing the title.
I've been noticing a tendency of people to giving as much of their business to fellow believers as possible. One lady on the radio said she would not use a home improvement contractor that was not Catholic. I find this interesting as I had always naturally assumed this was exclusively a JW trait.
This means there must be at least a few out there who stay affiliated with a religion for the business perks. Seems to me that they would also hire from within the church as well whenever possible. Even the beggars around here tend to church up their signs to try and join the club.
Has anyone ever known of someone admitting to this? I'm considering pasting a Jesus fishy to my resume to increase my odds.
Open mind
Tribalism is alive and well.
I knew a businessman (non-jw) that joined 4 churches and visited every weekend. The jws hoped he would visit them..........never happened.
I remember working with a woman who when trying to decide what dentist to go to said, 'what the hell, I'll go to so and so. He's Jewish'. Of course, she was, too.
Yes Hanson, the Mormons stay Mormons mostly for the networking possibilities that come your way and of course the perks that are much better than the Witness malarkey
Lady Viola
I've got the same thing. I own an eventcompany... Most of the events I organise are henparties. Where do they get married most often? Exactly!
Although the main reason for me not to open about my 'apostacy' is my mum and dad. My dad is ill and I'm afraid it would kill him to be honest if I would leave 'the truth'. But... I must say that the JW society is a great way to network. -
Think About It
I've done business with groups from different religions. Never felt the need to join them, but depending on the situation the connections could definitely help your business. Was out of JW's by then and always kept that to myself. One thing I've noticed since I am no longer a JW, is folks in the workplace and business world are not very fond of them.
In the business world, despite usually comes down to the price.
Think About It