What if Jehvovah was a God approved guardian/king?

by EndofMysteries 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EndofMysteries

    In thinking outside the box, I've came upon a few scriptures this week. What do you all take by them?

    What if "God" doesn't mean what we think it means? I've noticed that Jehovah/God is always calling himself the God of the Israelites, THEIR God, or the God of the earth. I wonder if during the apostacy some things got mixed up. Here are some scriptures to get you thinking....

    Ps 82:1 - God is stationing himself in the assembly of the Divine One. In the middle of the gods he judges. - NWT (Is God stationing himself in his own assembly?)

    Ps 82:1 - (Gideon bible) - God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judges among the gods. - Gideon

    Duet 32:18 - The Rock you fathered you, you proceeded to forget. And you began to leave God out of memory, the One bringing you forth with childbirth pains. - NWT

    Duet 32:18 - Of the Rock who begot you, you are unmindful, and have forgotton the God who fathered you. -Gideon (sounds like 2 entities)

    Actually READ all of Deut 32, but this stands out to me...... 32:4 - The Rock, perfect is his activity. For all his ways are justice. A God of faithfullness, with whome there is no injustice. Righteous and upright is he. 6 Is it to Jehovah that you keep doing this way. O people stuid and wise. Is he not your Father who has produced you. He made you and proceeded to give you stability? 7 Remember the days of old 8 WHEN THE MOST HIGH gave the nations AN INHERITANCE, when he parted the sons of Adam from one another, he proceeded to fix the boundray of the peoples With regard to the number of the sons of Israel. For JEHOVAH'S SHARE is his people; JACOB IS THE ALLOTMENT THAT HE INHERITS.

    Why does that sound a lot like Jehovah is THE ROCK, THE SHEPARD, THE KING OF ISRAEL, that they were GIVEN to him as an inheritance?

    Duet 33:2 - Jehovah - from Sinai he ame, and he flashed forth from seir upon them. He beamed forth from teh mountainous region of Paran. And with him were holy myriads, at his right hand warriors belonging to him. - NWT

    Duet 33:2 - The LORD came from Sinai, and dawned on them from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, and he came with thousands of saints; from his hand came a fiery law for them. - Gideon

    Is 27:11 - For it is not a people of keen understanding. That is why it's MAKER will show it NO MERCY, AND it's OWN FORMER will show it no favor. NWT

    Is 27:11 - For it is a people of no understanding; therefore HE WHO MADE THEM will have NO MERCY on them, and HE who formed them will show them no favor. (sounds like 2 separate entities)

    Ex 33:19 - I myself shall cause all my goodness to pass before your face, and I will DECLARE THE NAME OF JEHOVAH before you; and I will favor the one whom I may favor, and I will show mercy on whom I may show mercy. (who refers to themself that way?)

    Gen 49:10 - (Could Shiloh be Jehovah)?

    Gen 49:25 - He is from the God of your father, and he will help you, AND he is with the Almighty.

    Is Ps 78:67 says he rejects Joesph and chooses Judah, after in Gen 49:25 foretold Joseph is used.....

    I can't find it now, but somewhere in IS I think, or perhaps somewhere else, it's God speaking saying how the one sent is not going to show mercy if offended, or breaks his laws, etc.

    Anyway, a lot more, but I'm wondering if the apostacy has combined things trying to make them all seem like one entity, when perhaps the God of Israel was given them to teach them and make them acceptable to the Almighty God. As you see from just the NWT and Gideon, both make things appear a bit different too.

    Any thoughts on this though everyone?

  • EndofMysteries

    On the same thought as that, whether Jesus/Jehovah separate or same being, but would also make sense why if Jesus WAS him, (the apparent things he quoted which seemed to not make sense if he was God, that if the God of the old testament, was not the almighty but appointed ruler of them, OR if the bible has had lots of changes and made to look one way when the real truth must look carefully to find.

    Also small chance that Cherub spoken of in King of Tyre prophecy, perfect in wisdom, etc is in play here.

  • Perry
    Anyway, a lot more, but I'm wondering if the apostacy has combined things trying to make them all seem like one entity,

    EOM, what exactly are you refering to as "the apostacy". ?

  • HappyGuy

    Jehovah was a demon of a mythology which originated with the Chaldeans. So, of course he speaks of other gods.

  • EndofMysteries

    To answer Perry, if I'm on to something, either 'prior' to Jesus coming to Earth, because in Matt 22:29-32 read what he says, but focus on vs 32. THEN in vs 42 to 46 does Jesus not DENY he was a son of David, that HOW could he be his son if he calls him Lord?

    Anyway, need to look into stuff 'prior' to Jesus, but remember the Israelites because apostate nation, and then also shortly after the apostles death, was there a combining of what at the time may have been common knowledge of separate spirit creatures into one?

    When the "Temple" is measured in Revelation, is not the courtyard omitted, because it has been 'given' to the nations? If Jesus said his followers are the temple, then there might not be a true 'religion', it's the followers and the rest are all mislead?

    What I'm stating in this thread though, are just things I'm looking into right now, and I see different bible translations seem to greatly change some of these things, and if there had been scriptures talking about almighty God, a LORD (who was not the same), etc, and all of this combined into one, that would make sense why some religions think Jesus is God, that there is a trinity, that there is not, even Satan, could be the true reason for this all.

    Unfortunately this is gonna be a long hard thing to figure out, since I can't find anything or if this had been looked into before.

  • frankiespeakin


    How about this thought. The Israelites or what the bible calls Israelites, worshipped many gods, the bible gives lots of evidence of that, and somewhere in their history they became monotheistic under the rulership of Hezekiah. And under his rulership he promoted the worship of YHWH and raised him up to the to God almighty to unify his kingdom and made the worship of all other gods forbidden and then had the collection of holy books reflect that change by rewriting these books to promote these ideas?

    I think that is the currant idea among archaeologist and I think there is lots of evidence of these type of redaction's in the OT itself. I may be wrong but perhaps some that post here will be able to shed more light on this subject.


    Some believe Judaism to be the first monotheistic religion. However, scholars now believe that Judaism, as a monotheistic religion, only became established in the middle of the first millennium BCE.
    King Hezekia (729-686 BCE) of Judah made the first real attempt, in historic times, to impose a monotheistic religion, but his son soon allowed Judah to revert to polytheism. King Josiah ( c. 640-609 BCE) re-instituted religious reform and, in his reign, a monotheistic religion seems to have finally become dominant among the Jews. So, the earliest real evidence of a monotheistic religion in Israel and Judah is during the reign of King Hezekiah.


  • EndofMysteries

    Frankiespeakin - that wouldn't conflict with the bible though, we see how Israel repeatedly would become apostate worshipping other gods, that could just as well have been evidience at that time or right prior they had been going astray.

    ALSO.....though.....some non cannonized books of bible give interesting information what actually happened before the Flood. But thanks for that information too! I think though that perhaps the bible has ALMIGHTY UNIVERSE CREATOR, the King of the Earth/true followers of God, Satan/opposers, Jesus, etc, all kind of mixed up and misunderstood hence the confusion.

    But I am starting to see difference in stating God and LORD GOD. I also just read in Luke I think where Jesus called the God of the Israelites, "a God of the living." - It sure is a lot of work trying to check all this stuff, and diff translations and research and find original texts and interlinear translations, etc. On the good side, I do think I'm getting somewhere, I'll in the end be able to dispel false reasonings or find the truth hopefully, God willing.

  • agonus

    Many Gnostics taught that "Jehovah" was not Almighty God but a "demiurge" or demigod. Some would say he is/was evil, some that he was not necessarily "evil", just flawed - basically a lot like us. That does not necessarily make Satan the "good guy" as some have suggested, though - just one of many demigods. I've wondered many times if Satan and Yahweh are just aliens (i.e. Enki and Enlil). Who the hell knows? God is God is God, no matter what name you call him/her/it. Personally, I choose to believe Jesus is/was Christ, the Son of God, if not God himself. I don't usually call God anything but God or Creator anymore. Hell, if you're praying to Jehovah, you COULD be praying to an alien - or even a computer for that matter. Can anybody here prove otherwise? God knows who God is. It's not like God isn't going to hear you if you don't use the right name.

    Me: Hello, God? Can you hear me?

    God: Did I hear something?

    Me: Hey God! Down here!

    God: I could have sworn I heard something, but I can't be sure...

    Me: God! GOD! Damn it, HEY! UM... JEHOVAH!

    God: Oh, OK, there we go. He's clearly talking to me now. For a second there I thought he was talking to somebody else when he said "God."

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