I have no beliefs of the Jehovahs Witness cult now. When it first happened, I knew there was something wrong, and just couldn't figure out what. Was it me? It had to be; yet it wasn't. I got depressed, and went on AD's and hung on for about three more years, clinging to the beliefs.
I could not live up to perfection, and I was extremely depressed again after about three years. Quit going to meetings, ran away, and the strangest thing happened; I was happy. Slowly the beliefs went away, as did the nervousness about being zapped at some idiotic armageddon.
About two years after that, I quit AD's after falling into yet another depression, and found that those AD's were actually causing a lot of my problems. When I was fully rid of depression (self-induced, I might add), I was confident that I had made the right decision.
When I actually started to find out why the religion was wrong, my eyes really became opened up. I went through the typical stages of change, including anger and that was generally directed to any person that believed in any god. But I have permenantley renounced my god of Atheism and have a new god; Agnosticism.
Will your prayers not get answered? I don't know who you pray to, but I hope if he/she is out there, you put in a good word for me. Until then, I believe in the flying spaghetti monster, and worship him profusely.
I wish you well on your journey.