it arrived today.

by xbro 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • xbro

    i baught a copy of the book by Ray Fraz off ebay and it arrived today. i am looking forwards to reading it. have many here read it ? what do you think? (dont tell me the plot!!!)

  • shamus100

    Eye-opening to say the least.

    But hey, Jehober works in meesterious wayyyssss... boooohahahaha!

  • llbh

    I enjoyed it very much, it is candid, and has no angst.


  • zoiks

    It is eye-opening, with lots of "eureka!" moments. Also, some heart-wrenching moments. And yes, the lack of rancor on his part speaks volumes.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Which book? Crisis of Conscience? Or In Search of Christian Freedom? I have read a few chapters of the former (secretly, of course) but none of the latter.

    One day they'll proudly sit on my bookshelf.

  • xbro

    crisis of concience is the one i have here.

  • leavingwt

    Most of us have read it. It changed my life -- for the better. Enjoy!

  • flipper

    XBR- It is an excellent book. I have read it twice now. Once in 2006 and again in late 2009. I exited the witnesses in late 2003 and I can assure you that you will read things you never knew about that will clear your mind and the picture becomes perfectly clear , believe you me - XB. Enjoy

  • sooner7nc

    CoC is the best book I have ever read. Prepare to have the scab of ridiculous beleifs ripped completely away for all time.

    Dang shamus, that sure is a whole bunch of upwardly bound pussys. What gives?

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    You will enjoy it and learn alot. A must read for any ex jw.

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