Confessions of a Teenage Jesus Jerk

by Rabbit 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Rabbit

    Now...this guy has the ring of Truth in his words, as I remember it. How's about you ?

    I wonder, too, is Tony 'present' here ?

    If Armageddon does come, God probably will smite Tony DuShane — and in the meantime, the worshippers in DuShane's family probably will shun him. That's because the San Francisco writer and radio host became a Jehovah's Witness at age 3, but later became "inactive" and has now written the definitive novel of the 1980s Bay Area horny, anxious, teenaged Jehovah's Witness experience.

    To those of us not privileged with the power to smite or shun DuShane, the essence of his book might seem at first a touch parochial, but in fact Confessions of a Jesus Jerk trades in universal themes with grace and humor and great empathy. It is also, for now at least, the funniest and most charming novel of the 1980s Bay Area horny, anxious, teenaged Jehovah's Witness experience.

    The title sets the tone, demonstrating right up front why DuShane's company will be more pleasant than that of an unwelcome visitor proselytizing in your doorway. His droll narrator and presumed avatar of his younger self is Gabe Dagsland, who is here to tell you that if you ever wondered whether high school might actually be easier with the certainty that the world will end before you graduate, the answer is "hell, no."

    Gabe gets through his days, barely, by wondering with all seriousness whether he's for God or for Satan. He's just trying not to drown in a river of impure thoughts or succumb to the elder-implanted "condemnation entourage" he carries around in his mind. At school, he must constantly field questions, or take abuse, from his uneasy non-Witness classmates, the so-called "worldlies," then on weekends find himself in the strange position of praying he won't run into them while going door-to-door.

    For various reasons, Gabe's parents aren't much help, and his Witness pals have problems of their own. He doesn't like the one girl who is interested in him, and can't even focus on which of six gazillion appetizing others he wants the most. Poor Gabe is so hormonally stoked that even Bugs Bunny in a dress will set him off. At least his worldly yet conflicted Uncle Jeff offers halfway decent advice, but of course some things are easier said than done, especially with God watching.

    DuShane's potentially controversial content should not distract from his promise as a stylist. The blessing and curse of abundant single-sentence paragraphs is that they can seem like one-liners. The curse comes when the voice gets self-enchanted or intrusive, and taxes the reader's good graces. But DuShane doesn't have these problems. He has the blessing, which comes when an author channels his quick wit into the development of character, establishes a unity of tone, and moves his story forward swiftly. The one-liners here seem considered and correct, just right for delineating the urgent abbreviations of the adolescent mind. "We'd have candlelight dinners and sex," Gabe hopes on one occasion. "Jesus turned water into wine and an organization of Jehovah's Witnesses into borderline alcoholics," he observes on another. And when DuShane gets on a roll, which happens often, he's hilarious.

    He makes short work of showing how religiosity can compound adolescent social and sexual frustrations instead of ameliorating them. But DuShane seems uninterested in the vengeance of retrospective judgment. Confessions of a Jesus Jerk is, after all, a familiar kind of coming-of-age tale. What makes it worth the risk of excommunication and smiting is the godly virtue of its message: that adolescence can be its own Armageddon, and that truth and compassion aren't mutually exclusive.

  • betterdaze
    I wonder, too, is Tony 'present' here ?

    He posts as mutinyinheaven.


  • startingover

    I can sure relate to that!

  • Rabbit

    He posts as mutinyinheaven.


    Thank you, ~Sue !

    I knew several jw's who got a little 'too' happy with the alky-hall. At the eat-outs after the bookstudy ~ damn ~ elders, elderettes and all the wannabees...they could drink like fishes. I knew 3 that became alky-hallics. It seemed like imbibing was at least one 'worldly' thing they could engage in, of course, with too much gusto!

  • FuzzyPaul

    Those feelings and descriptions of what goes on in the Watchtower is spot on. Quilt for normal human experience is part of what makes the Watchtower the mind control cult king. Ever get a burning red neck when the meeting parts about masturbation occur? Hoping that the speaker doesn't get too into his topic to spare one any further distress. Infants masturbate.

    I love the real Jesus. The Watchtower doesn't teach it and doesn't live it or likely even knows how or what loving Jesus is even about. It isn't religion, denomination, check lists, entries on a dossier in the KH files. It s a relationship. Many persons were so convinced that the WT was the truth that when they leave it they hate God assuming he was treating them badly through the behavior of elders and other JWs. Assuming its all part of God's purpose to get DF'ed with announcements and judged for going to college or letting a beard grow some become destructive, against decency that the Bible writers explained when the truth about the Watchtower is it was started by the Grand Council with Charles Russell wanting to "prove the free-masonory of the Bible".

    Being human means being a decent person, loving, respectful with enjoyment in that. I never got enjoyment from trying to "keep in step" with the organization. To think that one is expected to believe they are right when they are right and right when they are obviously wrong and right when that was wrong last month before another chunk of "new light" from the GB came out in a WT pub.

    I hope that learning that Jesus is alive, interested in each of us, and has a plan for our lives for our good AND that the Watchtower wasn't part of his followers so don't think the are descriptive or representative of him. San Francisco is seriously twisted with homosexuals, druggies, witches, making rules on what is wrong with decent people all mixed in with rediculous real estate prices and so many SFers are proud of being leaders in the Devil's and the Illuminati's agenda. It isn't hard to reason how that agenda has no love or responsibiblity for other's good in it.

    I want to be a good person and I know Jesus is with me all the way. I hope in prayer you do also.

    Good blessings,


  • mutinyinheaven

    "San Francisco is seriously twisted with homosexuals, druggies, witches, making rules on what is wrong with decent people all mixed in with rediculous real estate prices and so many SFers are proud of being leaders in the Devil's and the Illuminati's agenda. It isn't hard to reason how that agenda has no love or responsibiblity for other's good in it."


    well, that's prejudice and ignorance, it's a shame too many ex-jws can't shake judgment.

    anyway, i've been interviewing w/ journalists and radio shows and continue to interview and book reviews coming out in major papers all over the country over the next couple of months.

    thanks for the props rabbit.

    i gotta go sacrifice a goat to the devil, you know, because i live in san francisco....and ignorant christians don't understand that so-called devil worship actually means believing in christianity. after the sacrifice, gonna head to an abortion clinic and assault an intake supervisor. of course, that's a lot in one day, so we'll get some stress relief from consensual sodomy in our expensive closet sized apartments.

    but seriously, the literary scene in san francisco is absolutely amazing right now....lots of great stuff happening here. prejudice southerners need not apply.

  • dissed

    I can't wait for the movie......

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