wake up, america
by Adrianoblue 6 Replies latest jw friends
Seems Osama Obama has already tried to sell us out in Copenhagen (the fake "global warming"). At the rate he is going, he is going to have this country sold out, undoing everything George Washington and his troops did during the Revolutionary War. In the meantime, he is going to drain our assets via hyperinflation (and, if you are tempted to hold gold, remember Franklin D. Roosevelt has made that illegal once--Osama Obama could make it illegal again).
Once the people are distressed (between the Greater Depression, Hyperinflation, Codex Alimentarius, mandatory health sickness insurance, mandatory doctor visits for "preventive screening" at 6 month intervals (allopathic medicine only), a fake energy crisis, and regulating the free market right out of existence, he will step in and sell us out to the UN. At which point, they will make sure we become a Muslim nation, and the whole constitution will simply be thrown right down the toilet. Holidays that are Christian or political in nature will be banned--no more Christmas lights. Eating pork or drinking alcohol will be illegal, as will gambling in any form. There will also be a new crime of eating during the Ramadan fast--which lasts a whole month--during daylight hours. They define daylight as when you can tell a black thread from a white thread outside with natural light. This could mean a solid fast in northern Alaska while the sun is up 24 hours a day (and Ramadan will be there in about 5-10 years).
I suggest dumping the DUMP-o-CRAPs. This monster needs to be impeached without delay, and the constitution upheld. Treaties that would force us to violate the Constitution or its first 10 amendments need to be made null and void, automatically. That way, they will be forced to go to war to get us to obey, or accept us as an independent nation as we were since the end of the Revolutionary War. And, I suggest getting acquainted with the Twelve Visions Party (research by typing it in a search engine and visiting several of the sites that come up) before voting for change you can believe in. Otherwise, you might get change back to when we were a colony.
More of the same hateful rhetoric. Got to start thinking for yourself. Oh well, Palin can't either. Gotta put notes on her left hand. Prez material for sure.
But you might be right. Americans do not deserve affordable health (sickness) care. Leave it the way it is. Just can't THINK of a better way.
The Beginning of the Fall
"In a secular democracy, it is possible to elect anybody President regardless of their religious beliefs. The US was a predominantly Christian culture that maintained a modicum of morality as long as its Presidents were White Anglo Saxon Protestants. John Kennedy was the first one to break that mold and it may be that he paid with his life for doing so. He was supposed to be a Catholic, but his sense of morality was based on a different premise, namely that the Church protects the faith and all those born into that faith should support the Church and leave the administration of morality to the priests and bishops. This model works if the great majority of a country is Catholic, such as in Italy and South America.
However, in a secular democracy, evil men may rise and pretend that they are secular (while harboring an esoteric religious belief) and performing duties of the Presidency; such men are capable of the worst atrocities. Such may be the case with the present election of a man that fought against American values and learned the techniques of defeating the moral premise of the American nation, faced by challengers who were brow-beaten into denying their faith in Jesus by a secular system that was brought about by the acceptance of non-Christian refugees into the American culture.
American culture deteriorated to such a point when democratic principles necessitated the abandonment of the homogeneous form of Christianity that had flourished in early America. First Catholics entered into the government. Then Jews also entered into the system and achieved high positions of power, (as ironically Tobith of the Bible had achieved in Nineveh three thousand years ago by becoming the treasurer of King Shalmanasser III during the Ashurai Empire in Mesopotamia.) However, Catholics and Jews have always been compatible with other Christian members of society. Now we have Muslims entering the US government; but Islam is not compatible with Judeo-Christianity. Islam does not mean peace. Islam means submission, or the peace that comes from submission to the Islamic faith. The American secular leaders, predominantly the Democrats who are in power now, have succeeded in selling the American public on this definition of Islam. This lie that the Democrats have created will blow up in their face; it’s already starting to as we saw in the last few days the atrocities committed by Muslims in Mumbai, India against both Christians and Jews. The Presidency of Obama will bring about many more disasters all over the world.......This will be one of the biggest abominations of Biblical proportions; it could rise to the level of what the Scriptures prophesied about the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet. Obama’s Presidency may be destined to be the last chapter of the United States of America as a Christian country. America as Americans had come to know it is over; now is the time to recall its greatness and eulogize it.
The US was the greatest country in the history of the world; its fall will be great but its greatness will never be forgotten, a greatness that was built on its faith in Jesus the Messiah..........In the last fifty years we have seen the decline of morality in America, but never did we dream that this spiraling decline would lead to a freefall and the total destruction that will commence in less than two months from now. All people of genuine faith should brace themselves and be prepared for the persecution that will commence soon. Of course, it will all be according to God’s will, as Sarah Palin so wisely said in her remarks at the end of her campaign for the Vice-Presidency. Indeed all we have left are prayers now." http://www.v-a.com/the_fall.html
The Pain of Slavery
"The pain of slavery inflicted on millions of Africans who were captured like animals and brought on slave ships to toil for the rest of their lives in a distant land is one of the most outrageous episodes of modern history. This in a country that is merely two hundred years old and a country that has risen to be the leader of all nations in the world in military and technology, belies the sense of freedom and enlightenment Americans have always felt when comparing themselves to older civilizations in the East. Americans have also, ironically, felt they have higher moral standards than other cultures, despite their exploitation of the African slaves and their slaughter of the Native Americans, who were treated like savages.
Finally all this evil has taken its toll and the American people have digested all the injustice of previous generations and they have elected a man who embodies all the contradictions of what makes America unique in its lack of uniqueness as a superpower. This man's name is Barack Obama. His father is Kenyan Muslim. His mother is Irish Catholic. Neither of his parents were loyal to their religions. They both studied Russian at the university in Hawaii. Most likely they were both leftists. Obama grew up with the pain of racism. His father left Obama's mother. She married another Muslim, this one from Indonesia, and moved there with him. Obama went to a Muslim school for a while. Then his mother sent him to Hawaii, where Obama lived with her parents and went to school there. Obama adapted well to his changing environments and conquered prejudice. He graduated from Harvard Law School. He worked hard as a community organizer and became the junior Senator from Illinois.
Fifty million people voted for John McCain and over fifty million people voted for Obama. Obama campaigned hard and convinced over half of the voters in America that he would do everything for them. Ninety-five percent of the Black people of America voted for Obama. Most of the disgruntled people of America, the leftists, the liberals, the homosexuals, the poor, and the dispossessed voted for Obama.
Obama's greatest appeal to American voters was captured in his story of his mother dying of cancer in a hospital in the US and the insurance company's reluctance to pay for her treatment. Obama experienced the anguish of a young man seeing his mother all upset about the fact that her insurance company was trying to renege on its obligation to pay for her treatment. Here she was in the hospital, dying of cancer and the insurance company trying not to pay for her treatment. Obama said that he would never let that happen to another person in America. This was his greatest moment in the campaign, the most compelling argument for all Americans to vote for him, and many Republicans even voted for him on account of such statements.
Essentially, the Counter-Culture of the 60s and those generations that it nurtured voted for Obama. John McCain's defeat will go down in history as the turning point in America. Never again will America rise from the ashes of this defeat, because this defeat is the tip of the iceberg. Millions of Black people, Native Americans, Hispanics, Eastern Christians and Orthodox Christians have been treated with injustice by the Democratic Party that built its base on discrimination toward the dark-skinned people and the genuine Christians. The domestic enemies of America are the dominant culture now and they have taken over the United States of America. They are going to rule for the foreseeable future and for all intents and purposes no one will know that the emperor has no clothes." http://www.v-a.com/pain_of_slavery.html
Exodus 2
"When there is nothing more to achieve, a person gets up and leaves his home, a society abandons its center, a nation leaves its land, an empire abandons its cities. Why defend something that has lost its value? The Maya abandoned their cities. The Ashurai abandoned Nineveh. Nero burned down Rome. There was nothing left to defend, nothing left to achieve. Typically, anxiety sets in. Even in a powerful empire, as at the time of the Pharaohs in Egypt, there was growing repression, too much control by the state, too much suffering. In a highly structured system, there is little freedom left. Ultimately there is nothing left fighting for or dying for.
An individual who has achieved all his goals will abandon everything and go out into the wilderness.
Thus the exodus from Egypt can be viewed as God's way of renewing everything for the House of Israel. Of course, in the Scriptures this renewal is to be followed by the Coming of the Messiah and the mission of saving the world from sin. In the life of an individual also this exodus takes place, and it can happen to everyone if they get their priorities mixed up. It can be a good thing to "shake loose the dust from your feet" sometimes and head out into a new direction, to preach freedom, prayer and reliance on the Lord." http://www.v-a.com/nothing_to_defend.html -
Whatever... Sell us another conspiracy theory please this one is boring.
Wake up America. The world is more than W.A.S.P.S. They're not ALL bad people. Maybe you could look a bit deeper instead of searching for endless conspiracys. Use that noodle between your ears.