I've been going back and forth with a JW friend for over a year now.
I tend to ask question that are not in the "Splaining Away The Scriptures" book. Of course, I get a whole lot of copy and pasted WT nonsense that usually doesn't even pertain to my questions. I am quite sure that my friend is getting help with her answers from her other JW friends.
That has made me wonder: How many JWs may be inadvertently getting THEIR thought processes jump started along the way? Were you ever in a situation where someone was asked a really good thought provoking question, and the you could see that it affected OTHERS, maybe they even ended up leaveing at some point? I just wondered if the other eyes that are privy to seeing these questions, might be getting stirred up as much as my friend is? (And she IS!)
She's tried to provoke arguments, accused me of all kinds of nonsense, etc...when things get hard to answer. I just shrug and go on. And she just keeps coming back for more. Even when I think she is probably never going to speak to me again. It is like she hopes it can be proven wrong on some level. Do you think that happens?
Would love to hear opinions.