You ask a thought provoking question: how many other JWs see it too?

by whyizit 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyizit

    I've been going back and forth with a JW friend for over a year now.

    I tend to ask question that are not in the "Splaining Away The Scriptures" book. Of course, I get a whole lot of copy and pasted WT nonsense that usually doesn't even pertain to my questions. I am quite sure that my friend is getting help with her answers from her other JW friends.

    That has made me wonder: How many JWs may be inadvertently getting THEIR thought processes jump started along the way? Were you ever in a situation where someone was asked a really good thought provoking question, and the you could see that it affected OTHERS, maybe they even ended up leaveing at some point? I just wondered if the other eyes that are privy to seeing these questions, might be getting stirred up as much as my friend is? (And she IS!)

    She's tried to provoke arguments, accused me of all kinds of nonsense, etc...when things get hard to answer. I just shrug and go on. And she just keeps coming back for more. Even when I think she is probably never going to speak to me again. It is like she hopes it can be proven wrong on some level. Do you think that happens?

    Would love to hear opinions.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Begin each of your questions with "What does the Watchtower say about..."


    Jehovah`s Witness`s are Right..


    The WBT$ says so!..

    You just won`t accept it..

    ...................... ...OUTLAW

  • miseryloveselders

    I can't say I've done that in a actual conversation w/people. I've done it here though while lurking. I lurked when Renia and Spike Tassel would post here. I used to cringe at some of the downright foolish comments they would make. Spike I believe has mental problems. I used to laugh when IssacAustin would let him have it. Especially when he would call Spike, "boy". The picture in Isaac's avatar reminds me of a mean ol man in the neighborhood scolding a child for losing his ball in the old man's yard. Renaia on the other hand had occasionally made some points that the JW side of me would say, "get em Ren!" On the other hand, on far too many occasions she looked like a trolling fool. She would hijack threads for no other reason than to deflate attention from legitimate criticism of the WTS. Towards the end she really made the case for apostates.

    I still occasionally lurk over at JW Topix, where they have the most idiotic debates. Lately I believe there is more to the reasoning why the WTS is discouraging the Internet. Pornography plays a role, and certainly critical yet logical opinion towards the WTS plays a major role. I think the other thing is, they don't want JWs online making a fool of themselves.

    So to answer your question yeah, at least on here to me, certain questions added flame to the already present fire within me. The Pro JWs that occasionally posted here provided a better anti-WTS argument by sticking up for the WTS, than the apostates did by attacking the WTS.

  • cantleave

    The picture in Isaac's avatar reminds me of a mean ol man in the neighborhood scolding a child for losing his ball in the old man's yard.

    Isaac's avatar is a picture of Raymond Franz!

  • miseryloveselders

    Isaac's avatar is a picture of Raymond Franz!

    you serious? LOL I can't tell, I've only seen another picture of him a couple times. I swear though thats what it reminds me of. As a kid, I'd lose a ball in some mean ol guy's yard, and we had a couple where I grew up at. And they'd scold us for playing in front of their house. So when IsaacAustin would scold Spike Tassel, it would remind me of that.

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