About time TF, Joey opens the fridge to canned laughter of an audience splitting their sides.
Good News, Channel 4 To Stop Showing "Friends" Re Runs!
by jookbeard 6 Replies latest social entertainment
but thats the only reason to watch channel 4! apart from bremner bird and fortune.
keyser soze
Never, ever found that show funny.
Married to the Mob
Er hang on......
What are they going to show in place of friends?
To be fair some of their dramas, documentries and comedy is brillient such as queer as folk and trigger happy tv.
About time, it's a show that was never funny like the simpsons.
I HATE Friends. The show sucked from day one.
And yes, they should cancel the Simpsons too. Truly horrid...
I think they were being PAID to show it - or somebody in charge like the show and wanted to convert us.
If the Wtichtower Borganisation controlled TV think how much more crap would be across our screens along with detailed explicit descriptions of variant sex acts.