I was just watching a documentary on polygamist LDSes in Canada and I hear them dropping terms like "apostate" and "worldly" ... and I'd never heard either of those terms in my entire life until I started spending time in the company of JWs. Have I led a sheltered life? Is this just a random coincidence? Curious am I.
Anyone besides JWs and LDSs use words like "apostate" and "worldly"
by leec 3 Replies latest jw friends
Well, catholics use "heretic". In muslim they are "ridda". Or they do "ridda", not sure. Jews, "kofer".
As far as I know atheists have no term.
Muslims use the word apostate and Adventists use the word disfellowship.
bek - Well yes I realize the concept is common but I was wondering about the terminology.
vil - Okay thanks, didn't know that (about either one).