Greenland discovery

by designs 6 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    DNA tests were performed on a human from the Saqqaq tribe in Greenland from 2500 years ago and suggest these Siberians migrated some 5500 years ago to the region. His gene sequencing tags him as Siberian and linked to modern Inuit but not to Central and South American native tribes.

    How do these discoveries reshape your views on human migration and the history of the human gene pool and those outlined in the Bible.

    ie Active uninterrupted civilizations at the time of the Biblical Flood.

  • yknot

    JW Response.......

    The dating of his time in Greenland is not without doubt.

    Personal response....

    I dunno, I remember seeing a presentation showing that the 'flood' could have been a regional thing in which less educated humans perceived global catastrophy. I am not really 'versed' on the flood beyond MBOB or singing Rise and Shine about Noah's Arky Arky........

  • HappyGuy

    They don't reshape them, if you read real history and archaeology sources and not just the ideology put out by the church of progress you quickly realize that humans have almost always traveled and traded globally. The dark ages interrupted this travel and the church of progress claims that the voyages of "discovery" made by the Europeans who were emerging from the dark ages were the "first" but this was disproven long ago.

  • snowbird

    What HappyGuy said!

    Thank you so much!



    Topic:"Greenland Discovery"..

    JW response:They found Greenland a long time ago,it must be an old article..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Obviously, Noah was an Eskimo.

    "Let our fables be found true, though every fact be called a liar." - Comedians 3:16

  • dgp

    Nathan, I love that quote from Comedians :-) .

    Now, this doesn't reshape a thing, but that's only because I'm not a witness.

    Yknot, I read the same thing in a book whose title escapes me now. The Deluge as a regional thing. But, let's bear in mind that this is speculation. No evidence of a worldwide deluge has ever been found. Saying it was a local thing that got magnified takes us nowhere, really, because we don't know whether it was so. And, if it had been so, that is, a local flood, then our speculation would prove the Bible wrong. Nice circular thinking.

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