Governing Body Are: Old, Hypocritical, Destructive, Blood Guilty, Company Men, In Sheep's Clothing

by frankiespeakin 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    These guys on the Governing Body deserve our scorn. They are the makers of policy which control the minds of our Jehovah Witness family members who shun us and break up our families.

    They are the ones who make up the rules that have led to thousands of premature deaths due to their strict enforcement of a ban on Blood Transfusions, O they like to put the blame on the bible for that one,, but in actuality it is their own narrow mindedness and interpretation of scripture with the threat of Disfellowshipping those who don't follow their edicts which puts the blame squarely on them as policy makers. It is them who demand complete obedience with no independent thinking allowed that is drummed into the heads the average JW several times a week until he blindly follows even to the death their narrow minded strictly enforced prohibition.

    They are the ones who determine what the WT corporation will print and what rules will be strictly enforced and this has led to much sorrow for those who find Governing Body claims of authority lacking and wish no longer to be dominated buy their narrow minded rules and destructive policies. Many are forced to attend meetings and be silent about any criticism of their interpretations of bible passages both to friends and beloved family member in order to keep their families in tact, while they go to mind numbing meeting 99% full of utter rubbish in order to maintain their close ties with family and friends.

    I would really like to see some well done You Tube videos that draw lots of unfavorable attention to the Governing Body instead of the WT corporation which hides the true masters of this evil charade, hiding behind the illusion that they are some type of faith steward appointed by God Almighty, because I think this would be more effective when you put a personal face on it instead of faceless legal entity.

    In fact I would be over joyed to see a proliferation of them inundating You Tube that puts the Governing Body squarely at the center of the controversy.

    Anonymous ones with face masks to indicate trouble from within the ranks but afraid to be exposed might even be more effective by highlighting the dangers of disagreeing with these tyrants.

  • alanv

    Most anti JW videos on Youtube ARE against the governing body. It is a fallacy that exwitnesses are against their former JW friends.

    Anyone who has been through the JW experience knows where the main blame for witnesses attitude and ideas come from, and that is Brooklyn.

    The gov. body like people to think that we are against all witnesses but this is a lie. It is the gov body men who are much more concerned with having a thriving united organisation than teaching people what the bible really says. You're right they are despicable individuals.

  • frankiespeakin


    Most anti JW videos on Youtube ARE against the governing body. It is a fallacy that exwitnesses are against their former JW friends.

    I agree that their are more videos centering the real culprits aka->"Governing Body" these days than before, I only hope the trend continues as it puts a human face on things instead of a "Corporate Non Human Entity" that can not feel shame and so deflects guilt away from those that deserve it.

    While doctrinal disputes have their benefits, and are important they can also at the same time simply cause one to look for a variation of basically the same theme thus getting out of one trap into another.,, Aiming at the right target(GB) is simpler and much more effect in a champagne against the beast, that claims unreasonable loyalty of those who except their claims.

    It is important rip the mask(WT corp.) off what the Governing Body hides behind to expose them for what they are to the world as murders of their own loyal followers by policy and deceit.

  • WTWizard

    There is (was) one exception to this: Raymond Franz. He tried to get the organization in compliance with the Bible--and the others simply responded by throwing him out. Which is even more deplorable than the problems themselves--it shows me that they want there to be problems, not just that they are not aware that something is wrong.

    And lately, they seem to be cracking down even worse. Entertainment is being phased out--it has been since the mid 1980s. They are coercing people to blatantly worship the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. A$$emblies are now choreographed events, as are boasting sessions where every comment now has to be in the words of the paragraph (or risk a trip to the back room). They are cracking down on college--this latest crackdown started in 2005 and is getting worse. And they have cracked down worse on independent Bible study groups, or using independent sources to verify doctrines that could become even worse than they are now.

    Yet, they do nothing when pedophiles do their dirty work, coercing children to be molested, and then threatening them to keep them silent. They downplay incidents where the witlesses commit severe crimes (like murder), falsely claiming that the witless was inactive, never baptized, or disfellowshipped when they were probably hounders or pio-sneers.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    As much as they talk about numbers they would rather have 5 million fully-devoted slaves than 7 million reporting publishers with an unknown number living in doubt and staying in merely for family and social reasons.

    The hard-line stance is to weed people out. It is no different from the weed-out classes in certain demanding majors in college used to get the kids not fully dedicated to the major and work involved to drop out or switch to something easier. The GB is getting stricter and more overt with the mind-control so that people who can see it will leave and no longer be able to influence those who remain and shun them.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Well said. Yes, it's the GB who are reprehensible and who should be held accountable for perpetuating the policies and flawed teachings that are causing so much bad fruitage, stumbling and reproach. They are cowards more interested in preserving the status quo, consensus, and unity and $$$ coming in, than bringing the organisation and it's faults into line with the scriptures. The moral responsibility to bring positive change lies squarely with them. They are nothing but task-masters, CEO's of an international publishing corporation masquarading is ambassadors for Christ. Their judgment will be heavy.

  • hamsterbait

    They have shown themselves to be MERCILESS with those they want to silence or destroy.

    Do some research on the board from the early 00's.

    As Christ said "The one without mercy will have his judgement without mercy."


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