wow deja frickin vu

by WuzLovesDubs 1 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Facebook is a really weird phenomena....I found the JW who had originally lured me into the organization in 84...and his kids and his exwife on there. I did NOT contact him. It was so BIZARRE seeing his face again! And damned if his son doesnt look EXACTLY like him. Freakkkkkky. And none of them, except HIM, are JWs! He is still a JW even though he was and most likely probably still is, heavily into S&M, porn, adultery and god only knows what else with other JWs online.

    Used to and still does, burn my cork that preditors like him are still in the KHs, giving frickin talks about loyalty to Jehovah and laughing at all of us while they go out and practice their perversions taking victim after victim along the way. He said to me after being DFd for sleeping with multiple sisters... "All you have to do is cry and say you are sorry to the elders...and they will let you off. Theyre just people." And he laughed. And I told the elders what he said and they didnt let him get reinstated for TEN YEARS. Mofo. Eat me.


  • FuzzyPaul

    deja vu is when you feel that you have been in a place before that you have never been to or experienced something that you have never done. Used in doctrine of re-incarnation.

    Sorry, but the term doesn't apply. There is lots perverts and sexual predators in the JWs. BEEN THERE, and seen enough of it. The higher ups are worse than the recruits. EXPERIENCED THAT, elders play favorites, who you are matters more than anything. Its a club.


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