Anybody here use them?
electronic cigarettes
by frozen one 8 Replies latest jw friends
nup someone mentioned them at work today but i'd never heard of them. was gonna look on the net later
It would be fun to "smoke" one ,just outside the Kingdom Hall !
p.s a friend tried one,along with trying
to cut down on real ciggies, he is now smoking more real ones, but I guess it works for some, you can use one indoors in the U.K despite the smoking ban.
My son uses them. It was the only thing that worked for him. He hasn't smoked a real cig, in almost a year I think.
Have read a report on them that the contents are not as healthy as they say and can cause some nasty side affects
Like being DF'd ,if the Elders don't believe it wasn't a real ciggie.
I used them for about a month. I was never a real smoker mind you (tried it a few times), but my hubby was for about a year and then stopped, and he would always get tempted when people around him would take out a cig to smoke. So he bought a set about 4 months ago and I decided to join him (I used the one without nicotine though, so it was really just flavored smoke).
I took some puffs of his a few times as well and I really liked them. Even though his had nicotine, it didn't feel as harsh as a regular cigarette. It was nice that they had a lot of different flavors to choose from and there was no nasty smell afterwards so you never had to worry about your clothes or car or home smelling like an ash tray.
the real question is, CAN YOU BE DF'ED FOR 'SMOKING' WATER VAPOR?.... wondering since it is not "smoke" that kills you lungs, what is the societies stance on e-cigs?
the smoke and tar was alway their reason for it being evil, not the drug , nicotine...
First time I have heard of e cigs.
the real question is, CAN YOU BE DF'ED FOR 'SMOKING' WATER VAPOR?....
Just a guess that they would use this scripture to DF you, Mathew 5: 28 But I say to YOU that everyone that keeps on looking at a woman so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.