If there's already been a hundred threads on this, I apologize. I'm only on the board sporadically.
Anybody read Tony Dushane's "Confessions of a Teen Jesus Jerk?"
by JimmyPage 4 Replies latest jw friends
hemp lover
I haven't yet, but I plan to buy it. I've read some of his online interviews with musicians and writers and he's really good. His book got a mention in this month's Vanity Fair - thought that was cool and hope it boosts his sales.
It's been reviewed in our local alt-weekly, too: http://www.newsreview.com/sacramento/content?oid=1368275. I'll have to buy this one.
Buy it at Amazon!Stop playing with yourself
Confessions of aTeenage Jesus Jerk Tony DuShane
By Jenn Kistler
[email protected]
More stories by this author...This article was published on 02.11.10.
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Bubble prophet
Go ahead, blame Greenspan and Bernanke. The housing bubble was their fault.Novels about coming-of-age in oppressive religions must contain dilemmas with masturbation—and Tony DuShane’s debut novel about life as a Jehovah’s Witness is no exception. Yet, unlike similar novels, DuShane’s protagonist doesn’t get annoying. In fact, it’s almost heart-wrenching that Gabe is tormented with fear that playing with himself will ensure smiting from God. The novel is ripe with other dilemmas afflicting J.W. children: finding normality in a dysfunctional family, dreading knocking on classmates’ doors while preaching. DuShane flows from humorously absurd tales (overhearing his father lecture a married couple for accidentally having anal sex) to more serious issues about the organization’s inner workings, including the protagonist’s excommunication from the church and thereby his friends and family. DuShane shines a bright light on the hidden world of J.W.s with minimalist eloquence, well-timed humor and raw honesty.
troubled mind
I just finished reading it . It brought back memories of how I thought as a faithful JW teenager ,always tormenting myself over normal human thoughts and feelings .
Very funny in parts ,and tragically sadly true in others .
The author has posted here several times as mutinyinheaven.