So this past Saturday my fiance and I were out getting costume items for a masquerade mardi gras event we were going to that night. She had a specific store she needed to go to in an area of town we don't frequent. You know how it is when your lady wants girly things ;)
ANYWAYS, this place happened to be in my old stomping grounds, growing up living in the basement apartment of the kingdom hall. So I told her once we were done we should drive by so she could see where I grew up.
I must say, the drive down my old street and then seeing that building was sureal. And looking at these basement windows, with bars on them and explaining what room each window went to, and that my bedroom didn't even have a window was quite an interesting trip down memory lane.
So we pull into the parking lot, and I was literally in the middle of explaining which parking space I was in the night I got disfellowshipped. My JC case was a bit odd in that we only had one meeting, and they made their decision in about 30 mins. So I was just sitting in my car, waiting, and one of the elders came up the stairs from the basement meeting room, and gave me that finger thing that parents do, motioning for me to "come here." So as I'm telling this story, we're driving to the back of the lot so she can turn around, and low and behold that VERY elder who I was talking about was there to paint the outside of the shed that had gotten graffitied. lol.
He gave us that meek JW smile and weave, you know the one, the one they feel obgilated to give to set a good example and seem inviting, but really they're uncomfortable on the inside, as we're clearly "wordly".
Of ALL the exact days and times to take my fiance by the place I grew up, is exactly when one my JC elders is there randomly. I got a kick out of it.
I wondered if he recognized me, but my fiance couldn't see how. She said I look completely different than I used to, which is true. And it was 7 years ago.
coincidence? the universe working in mysterious ways? maybe I should go to Vegas