I think my sister finally got it...

by cognac 5 Replies latest social family

  • cognac

    A couple of years ago we got into this huge family argument because I didn't believe Jehovah was going to destroy 99.9% of the population at Armageddon. Elders were involved and I almost got d'ffed. I didn't talk to her or my parents for 4 months. My brother got involved and told my sister she was breaking up the family and then they got into an argument and didn't talk for months.

    It was the biggest family disaster that we've probably ever been through.


    She is now having problems with her husband and wants out of the marriage. She is kinda pushing it with having a scriptural separation. I told her that even if it was completely all her fault I would support her.

    Needless to say there have been divisions in my family over this. Some are being very judgemental towards her. I've been able to talk to her and use some scriptures to clarify what the scriptures say regarding how to treat people even if they are wrong. She has brought up very vaguely about what happened between us and has even said that she understands how people would leave the truth.

    Last night she said that her husband knew so much about the bible yet he wasn't loving. I pointed out that the pharisees knew a lot about the bible but they were unloving and condemned by Jesus. Then, I showed her that there were people who didn't have the law but naturally did things of the law because of the condition of there hearts. They didn't know the scriptures but were accepted by Jesus because of there heart condition.

    She tried to correct me saying that they did have the law but just didn't understand it properly. I said that the scripture says they were "without law". So, they didn't have the law and were accepted by Jesus anyways.

    I SAW IT. I saw a light click in her head. I knew she was thinking about our argument from years ago. She didn't say anything but I saw this "ah-ha" moment.

    I don't think she doesn't believe JWs. But, something is clicking in her head like something somewhere isn't quite right. Whether she chokes it down and waits on the slave to clarify things I don't know.

    I told her when I was going through tough times I read the bible only. No WTs, no Awakes, nothing. She said she would do this and start with Matthew but at wouldn't give up on the bible aid book to read the scriptures. I said that I used the insight book on the Hebrew scriptures but since the books she's reading are more interesting that maybe she could go without it. She said she would.

    I encouraged her to think about what she was reading, ask questions, and picture what was going on in her head. Not to just read through it.

    So that was it. I wonder if this just might be the beginning of the end for her?

  • Terry

    Jehovah's Witnesses are all about "what is wrong" and not a thought about "what is right".

    People's welfare is a non-consideration.

    Humans exist as cogs in a giant Jehovah-machine.

    If we aren't churning and turning we don't deserve to live---in their view.

    It would never occur to a JW that without life and happiness there can exist no values worth holding.

    Happiness for them is a future date on their calendar.

    Meaning in life is synonymous with group-think.

    Pre-enlightenment thinking abounds in the Watchtower; a medieval mentality that permeates the Society with Feudalism.

    Publishers are serfs who trade vows of loyalty to their Governing Body of liege-Lords for protection from the dragons of Armageddon.

    At the local Kingdom Hall you don't exist as a PERSON with value, feelings and importance. You represent a statistic for the "greater good" of others. Your service is all that counts.

    The only time a lightbulb goes off over the head of a true-believer JW is when personal needs and problems cause them to ASK OF THE BROTHERS some sort of personal love and help--and they witness what happens to that "love among themselves" as they are marked as a troublemaker!



    A couple of years ago we got into this huge family argument because

    I didn't believe Jehovah was going to destroy 99.9% of the population at Armageddon.

    Elders were involved and I almost got d'ffed.

    Elders got involved because you had an Opinion..


    You were almost DF`d for it..

    Hammer Head Thats just Stupid..Hammer Head

    .......................... ...OUTLAW

  • QuestioningEverything

    Sounds like something did 'click' in your sister's head. I hope you are able to lead her out of the organization. good job!!

  • leavingwt

    Sounds encouraging. I hope things work out for her.

  • cyberjesus

    We never lead anyone out. They do it themselves. we just facilitate the tools.

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