Catholic Sex Abuse in Germany

by leavingwt 7 Replies latest social current

  • leavingwt

    Inside Germany's Catholic Sexual Abuse Scandal

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    As shocking as the revelations were, they are merely "the tip of the iceberg," says the current director of Canisius College, Father Klaus Mertes, who made public the sexual abuse of students.

    For decades, German bishops tried to look the other way when their pastors engaged in sexual abuse, as well as to downplay the problem by characterizing it as isolated incidents. Now they are finally revealing their own figures, though hesitantly. According to a SPIEGEL survey of Germany's 27 dioceses conducted last week, at least 94 priests and members of the laity in Germany are suspected or have been suspected of abusing countless children and adolescents since 1995. A total of 24 of the 27 dioceses responded to SPIEGEL's questions.

    A group called the Round Table for Care in Children's Homes recently published an interim report which contains dramatic findings. The report deals with the wrongs committed since the 1950s against children and adolescents living in homes, almost half of which were run by the Catholic Church.

    According to the report, more than 150 victims of sexual abuse have come forward with their stories in recent months. One of them is a woman who, as a 15-year-old girl, had to sit in the confessional and watch a priest masturbate. When she tried to get away from him, she was beaten by the nuns who ran the home. There has never been a systematic investigation into how many Catholic schools, homes and rectories were the scenes of abuse, even when there was evidence in the files. The Round Table group plans to present its final report at the end of the year.

    . . .,1518,676497,00.html

  • Michelle365

    Wow. That is such a sad article. I feel for all those victims. It's just awful how there is a policy to cover up such heinous acts.

  • leavingwt

    I can hear the JW public speakers now. Talking about this report as evidence of "false religion", while being completely unaware of the sex abuse problems within WT.

  • JWoods
    I can hear the JW public speakers now. Talking about this report as evidence of "false religion", while being completely unaware of the sex abuse problems within WT.

    And actually, some of the Catholics have been more open in revealing this and trying to correct it than any of the witnesses ever have.

  • maputo95

    As a former Catholic alterboy, I had an idyllic childhood so I am even more shocked at perverted wrong-doing in the Church and feel that all guilty of such gross evil must be presecuted to the full extent of the law. The pope has expressed his disgust and hopefully justice to the victims will be done. I am deeply ashamed of elements of my Church

  • PSacramento

    Little by little one hopes that the RCC sees the TRUTH in exposing these things and NOT covering them up.

    I know a few RC priests that, when they hear of these things, it drives them crazy with anger.

    Not only at the acts, but perhaps even more so at the cover ups.

    Its time that the Vatican step up to the plate and create a taskforce to confront these issues once and for all.

  • sammielee24

    I think it's sad but I'm not surprised. Only 10% of abusers are strangers and priests do have families. Families that include nieces and nephews; children in the community - many of whom would not come forward even if asked. The greatest glory for many who belong to a religious organization, is to have 'one of their own' - a brother, an uncle etc. become worthy of the title of Elder, Father, Bishop, Rabbi..etc...there is a sense of pride and ownership in the it goes without saying that they would not want the shame that comes with the fall associated with them.

    The burden on society is nothing compared to the burden the victim carries but it can often be seen within the courts, the prisons, the addicted and the poor - all of whom suffer endlessly when they become victimized again for not rising out of their circumstance as quickly as we think they should. How many times do we hear about the lazy welfare bums or young mothers...the generations of welfare bums in one family - portrayed as lazy and weak willed but perhaps without our knowledge, they may have been victims of abuse all of their lives - their kids subject to the same sort of abuse.

    It's very sad. Very depressing...sammieswife.


    The statistics are shocking

    • 1 in 4 girls is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96)
    • 1 in 6 boys is sexually abused before the age of 18. (96)
    • 1 in 5 children are solicited sexually while on the internet. (30, 87)
    • Nearly 70% of all reported sexual assaults (including assaults on adults) occur to children ages 17 and under. (76)
    • An estimated 39 million survivors of childhood sexual abuse exist in America today. (1)

    Even within the walls of their own homes, children are at risk for sexual abuse

    • 30-40% of victims are abused by a family member. (2, 44, 76)
    • Another 50% are abused by someone outside of the family whom they know and trust.
    • Approximately 40% are abused by older or larger children whom they know. (1, 44)
    • Therefore, only 10% are abused by strangers.

    Sexual abuse can occur at all ages, probably younger than you think

    • The median age for reported abuse is 9 years old. (64)
    • More than 20% of children are sexually abused before the age of 8. (76)
    • Nearly 50% of all victims of forcible sodomy, sexual assault with an object, and forcible fondling are children under 12. (74, 76)

    Most children don't tell even if they have been asked

    • Evidence that a child has been sexually abused is not always obvious, and many children do not report that they have been abused.
    • Over 30% of victims never disclose the experience to ANYONE.
    • Young victims may not recognize their victimization as sexual abuse.
    • Almost 80% initially deny abuse or are tentative in disclosing. Of those who do disclose, approximately 75% disclose accidentally. Additionally, of those who do disclose, more than 20% eventually recant even though the abuse occurred.
    • Fabricated sexual abuse reports constitute only 1% to 4% of all reported cases. Of these reports, 75% are falsely reported by adults and 25% are reported by children. Children only fabricate ½% of the time.

    Consequences of child sexual abuse begin affecting children and families immediately. They also affect society in innumerable and negative ways. These effects can continue throughout the life of the survivor so the impact on society for just one survivor continues over multiple decades. Try to imagine the impact of 39 million survivors.

  • BurnTheShips


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