An old JW that I knew years ago came by

by Decided 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Decided

    I came home and an old JW (and her family) that i knew when I was a kid came by to give me some old handbills that she found. They had my name, my brothers name and my cousins name(He's dead now)on them. Her sister has Altimers now and she is living with her. Both of their husbands are dead. I remembered the public talk I gave back then, well just the name. "The March of World Powers in Prophecy." It was in 1961. I remember going to Asheboro NC to give them this talk. It's 50 miles from here.

    Her dad died at an assembly there in 1958, I was there when it happened. I have some pictures of her and her sister on a ferry when they were going to an assembly in St. Louis, MO. with my parents and grandma back in the 40s. We used to meet in her parents home back in the 40s. We didn't have a KH back then. It brought back some old memories.

    She told a story about my mom calling on this home where the shrubs were above the porch and she couldn't see the door so she went to the end of the porch and walked over to the door and knocked. She didn't see the reaf of flowers untill after she knocked. The lady came to the door crying because her husband had died the night before, my mom said she came by to discuss the bible but would come back some other time. The lady said it would be OK. She gave her a handbill and told her it had a massage on the back from the bible that would give her comfort. She told the ones in the car and they asked if she had read the back of the handbill. She said no. They told her it said,"Does the bible say that hell is hot." She wanted to go back and get the handbill.

    Ken P.

  • snowbird

    Memories ...


  • straightshooter

    Thanks for sharing your past experiences.

  • kitten whiskers
    kitten whiskers

    Oh my goodness! Your mother's experience with that tract! She single handedly probably gave that woman and her whole family a vaccine against becoming JW!

    She must have been floored when they told her about it! Your poor mom...I can feel her shock and wonder at it all!

    It seems like the sweet older ones that we knew growing up, get to a point where they feel the need to distribute belongings they have back to those connected with them so that they know they are with them before they pass on. I got a lot of pictures back from a sweet old sister years ago. I wish she would have kept them, they may have made her smile a bit, but she knew she was winding down and she wanted them to be with those in the pictures.

    I'm glad you had a nice visit. She must be very lonely and tired right now. It sounds like her life is challenging at this point. I hope she is happy. You probably brought great joy to her by reminiscing.

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