In everything I have read and heard, pedophiles associated with the wt organization have been men. I believe that everyone will agree that pedophilia is not an all male problem, some women prey on children also. Has anyone read or heard of women in the organization accused of pedophilia?
Question concerning pedophiles
by Out at Last! 9 Replies latest jw friends
There was one in my congregation, although nobody ever accused her of being a pedophile when she grabbed little boys' bums for her own titillation. People would just look the other way, and tell the boys that was "just Sister XYZ being friendly; she's [ethnic background], you know, and they are more affectionate/demonstrative than we are here."
Lady Lee
there have been at least 2 male posters here who were sexually abused by female JWs.
Like the real world I suspect fewer of victims, male or female, would admit to it.
The problem is that men have more opportunities. They become assistant hounders and hounders, and then set up hounding calls with children. Very often, one will go alone with a child that may be as young as 6, and molest that child while alone together. After, they will silence the child by threatening with disfellowshipping. And, the last I knew, only men can gain those "privileges(??)".
That doesn't mean "sisters" can't also molest children. It's just that they have fewer opportunities than men.
Lady Lee
I totally disagree that men have more opportunities. We women are always babysitters each others kids. We wouldn't think twice about the danger.
Out at Last!
My thoughts exactly Lady Lee. Women have countless opportunities to be alone with children, that is why it is strange that I have never heard of women on the org molesting children.
Lady Lee
Even in the real world people seem to be more reluctant to admit being abused by a women.
Socially we have this idea that the teen-aged boy getting it on with Mrs. Robinson is a good thing. We are slowly debunking that. Some of what female predators do as caretakers could be seen as care-taking changing diapers, holding, caressing, If a child did feel uncomfortable they might have a harder time realizing the touch was inappropriate, they might have been too young to understand and even if they told they might be less believed than if the predator was a male.
These things make it difficult for both male ands female victims to come forward. Put in the closed system of a group like the JWs where utter trust is supposed to be given to fellow JWs would make it even harder for any child who did come forward to be believed.
I knew one sister who always said she just loved to bite babies bums because they were so cute. She said it was a cultural thing and perfectly normal. I thought she was weird and never left my daughters with her. I suppose it could have been similar to blowing raspberries on a baby's belly but I wasn't taking any chances. But I could see that even if a mother walked in while this person was biting the babies bum she could pass it off as a silly thing that mothers do in her country. As a mother you would want to believe that nothing bad was happening. You wouldn't stop to wonder if she was doing something else.
I worked with many women who had been abused by women and a couple of men. It was always more difficult for them to talk about it and more difficulty believing that what they thought happened was really abuse.
And let's face it few JWs ever really hear who is a pedophile. They certainly don't hear it from the platform
Our close friends experienced this problem. They re 14 old son was sexually used by a 28 year old sister. Although it was investigated by the elders it was considered a 'Mrs Robinson' kind of thing. The sister who was a regular pioneer at the time was only privately reproved and left to stay attending the same congragation at the distress of our friends. The 14 year old was left confused by the experience and feeeling guilty that he had put her in asituation attempts to see her again , obviously because he feels in love with her' and is discovered seeing her.
The elders decide that he is bang out of order and publically reprove him and the women still is encouraged by the elders to attend the same hall rather than move to the next door cong. Our friends, particulary the mother has suffered but because the father is an elder he will not rock the boat and so nothing happens.
I wanted to go to the police myself but you know if people are not willing to face reality what can you do!
Legally, a 14 year old is still a child. Would you have hesitated calling the police if it had been a 14 year old girl with a 28 year old male? Even if she had a huge crush on him? If not the police, child protective services will take anonymous reports and are obligated to investigate them.
Yes women do have more opportunity to abuse children - we are the carers, babysitters, teachers, and seen as the nurturers. We have recently had a case in the United Kingdom where a Nursery (kindergarden)worker was found to have abused babies in her care, taken photographs of the abuse, posted it on the internet to a newtwork of paedophile friends - some of them women! It shocked eveyone, as she would not be seen as any kind of threat. Outwardly she loved kids, had kids of her own, was police cleared. There was then a lot of discussion in newspapers and tv about female abusers. It's made me realise that female abusers are not rare. Abuse by male or female adults is equally abhorrent, but there is something about our expectations that in society famales will protect children that makes it seems worsel.