TERRY recently said in one of his posts:
At the local Kingdom Hall you don't exist as a PERSON with value, feelings and importance. You represent a statistic for the "greater good" of others. Your service is all that counts.
Terry's comment hit me like a ton of bricks. '' YOUR SERVICE IS ALL THAT COUNTS.''
I asked myself: Why do they really need me at the meetings? Do they really care if I'm ill? Do they really care that I lost my job? Do they concern themselves if one of my family members is in the hospital or passed away? How am I doing financially? Am I tired from work that maybe I need to stay home from the meeting?
I realised the reasons they need me: purchase WTS written material, comment at meetings,give talks,attend assemblies,contribute money,field service,and teach my family members WTS beliefs that will pass onto the next generation. Slave for the WTS and do their dirty work.