I recieved this information from Lawrence Hughes to me at AJWRB.ORG. Please read and join us for this. ..............................Ruth Baker aka Mary at AJWRB.org volunteer.
Purpose: 1) to prevent the needless deaths of Jehovah’s Witnesses who are bleeding to death, an estimated 200,000 having died since 1945.
2) to support a Wrongfull Death Lawsuit against the Watchtower Society .
Saturday, February 27 th
Sunday, February 28 th
3:00pm EST to 7:00pm EST
Monday, March 01 st
Tuesday, March 02 nd
Wednesday, March 03 rd
5:00 pm EST to 8:00pm EST
Speakers will include scholars from the legal and medical professions, well known xjw members, and the media.
To listen or be a caller on the show please visit by phone or by internet:
347-945-7601 and wait a few seconds and then press 1 to speak
www. Blogtalkradio.com/insightontheword
The host of the show will be Derrick Whitt
If you have any questions please contact:
Derrick Whitt: [email protected]
Lawrence Hughes at: [email protected]
Compose Email: watchtowerlawsuit@ya... |