Yesterday I was 'taken back'. The same 'apocalyptic' nonsense is very live and well far outside the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.
I was sitting in my normal Monday morning haunt. My coffee buddies had all dispersed but one. The news was telling about the flooding of a small island near Portugal. Out of the blue Bob popped in with 'Wow, this is just making it clear how close we must be getting'. His inference was to 'the end' though he did not spell out his particular version of that end. The barista, also a friend of mine, chimed in agreement. They began citing the plane that crashed into the IRS offices this past week, the earthquaked in Haiti, and snow in 49 of 50 states this winter as 'evidence'.
I never said a word. My lip is still bleeding from biting it. LOL
Same olé song, different choir. The more I look, the more they all look just as fanatical as Jw's. The differences are imperceptible as I get further away from religion.