I was sitting next to a sister this evening who during the whole ride she had one of those plastic folders that holds the mags and pamphlets, she had both Spanish and English and was holding the folder out in front of her until she got off the train. I asked her if she was counting her time, she said yes (of course she asked how do I know about that). She said it's not easy talking to the people in the station (seemed like she meant standing with the trolley or just the mags) because sometimes people say things that aren't nice, so she counts her time on her daily commute.
Didn't realize it was that easy to get that time in.
After if told her I was raised in the man made cult she was following, she said she doesn't follow man she follows Jehovah, I said where do you think all the rules and regulations come from within the Org? Of course she said Jehovah, I said it comes from 7 governing body members, but, she said there are just "5" GBM, are there just five now, or she was wrong?