I just want to get back to some basics here, this post is not meant to take the Mickey.
I am of the opinion that the above-mentioned phrase is something that JW's absorb into their sub-conscious minds over a long period of time, with the end result that they actually do believe that Jehovah does indeed operate through this organisation.
Can someone please take me step by step through this essential belief of JW's, right from when the idea of an Earthly org was first mooted. I can't find any scriptural backing for this belief at all, not one tiny bit. Even if I really stretch and link isolated scriptures there just does not seem to be any basis for belief here at all. No concealed thread, no theme even, unlike the NT recurrent theme of love, forgiveness, hope, charity and faith, there is just nothing to support the "Earthly organisation" that is a mainstay of JW teachings.
Bring on the dancing girls!