How Silly is It?

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    On National Public radio, they have an astronomy program called
    "Earth and Sky". This morning they covered the question of
    which is greater, all the grains of sand on earth or all the stars
    in the universe.

    The best estimate is that the number of stars is larger by far.

    Think of how immense the universe must be, vastly beyond our
    imagination - far greater than any local illustration we can

    And in all that immensity, there's no other inhabited worlds
    like ours?

    And the only spokesmen of the Almighty Creator anywhere in the
    flesh are about 11 isolated old geezers in Brooklyn?
    That's the best God can do?

    How silly is this religion, anyway?


  • sweetone2377


    Former victim and recovering wonderfully from a broken spirit
    Smile, because we all have been freed from slavery!!

  • unclebruce
    all the grains of sand on earth or all the stars
    in the universe. The best estimate is that the number of stars is larger by far.

    Larger by far eh? Thanks Metatron,

    I ponder about this everytime I veg out on the beach, it's mind blowing.

    Isn't it interesting how God got further away as the universe expanded. In Eden he was right there in the windy part of the day. By Abraham's time he'd taken to living in a burning bush, Moses had to climb a mountain to speak with him and by the time his son was born he only visited to impregnate virgins ... moving right along, in Paster Russell's day Jehovah lived way out in the Pleides and now he's beyond our wildest dreams ;)

  • LDH

    BWA HA HA good one, UB.

    Met, I often refer to them as the 'Twelve Angry Men.'

    This has got to be one of the biggest fallacies of all, that Jehovah uses only 11 men to interpret his word for the rest of mankind. [8>]

    And, up until recently, all 11 of those men were white! Now, to be politically correct, there is a black GB member, but didn't Jesus say he was calling men 'from ALL nations?'


  • SYN

    It's so arrogant for us to think that God would devote his exclusive attention to US.

    "I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.

  • Sky

    I'll have to think about that next time I am clearing a Universe of sand out of my bathing suit bottoms...:)

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