Science says humans were nearly wiped out 70,000 years why did God allow this..NOT the flood!

by Witness 007 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    70,000 years ago scientist say we had a "bottleneck in human evolution." Due to an Indonisian Mega Volcano erupting most of the earth was covered in darkness...ash covered as far as India. DNA evidence shows that human evolution slowed almost to a standstill till the population began to bounce back thousands of years later. So was Noahs flood not enough? Was Jehovah angry with his creation? This didn't make it in the bible. When reading it always put your science books in the bottom draw.

  • cantleave

    How could it have been 70,000 years ago - the human race is only 7000 years old? -

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Science is part of "Satan's world."

  • cameo-d

    Do you have a source oo7?

    Is there any information about the earth having had 5 cycles of cataclysm?

  • wobble

    Cantleave, I hope that 7000 years for humans was very tongue-in-cheek.

    And yes, I would love to see some links to this.



  • cantleave

    Wobble, my tongue was firmly stuck to my cheek with a good dose of cyanoacrylate!

  • TD
  • villabolo

    Witness 007, that volcanic eruption, and its effects on humanity, shaped our evolution. It is soon thereafter that Homo Sapiens started migrating out of Africa and spread throughout the world.

    In any case, what would that have to do with Jehovah? Do you believe in theistic (God driven) evolution? Most people that do don't take the Biblical account of the flood seriously.


    PS: After re-reading your last sentence it seems that your post is tongue in cheek. If it is please disregard the above.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I think DNA evidence and other scientific research is killing religion. Like the Mormon claim american indians are related to the Jews {lol} DNA evidence shows this is a lie.

  • glenster

    The irony is that certain spokespeople of either extreme, who look to such
    things to prove God is or isn't, are looking to the see-able, touchable,
    measurable to determine proof regarding something that was and is, except for
    any possible divine intervention, a faith in a possible something beyond the
    see-able, touchable measurable. They're both like people who set themselves up
    as final arbitars of taste in music that don't seem to understand the importance
    of freedom of subjective reaction. They both assert authoritatively things
    which only prove they don't seem to understand the nature of their topic, but
    they're not the only people in faith or music.

    Given that's what faith in God is, I can't imagine evidence of volcanos or
    DNA will make any difference in it.

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