I have nothing better to do so;
Dear Kingdom Publishers:
We are very much aware of the rapid growth in the size and number of our congregations. Everywhere, it seems, new Kingdom Halls are being built, and in many cases these soon become overcrowded. It is as foretold: Jehovah is ‘speeding up’ the ingathering in this time of the end.—Isa. 60:22.
Another evidence of this organizational growth is the recent purchase and remodeling of an old synagogue, with a seating capacity of 1,200, here in New York city. It is the second circuit assembly hall in this city, serving its share of the more than 260 congregations in the metropolitan area.
Global expansion of the Kingdom work in more than 200 countries has created a tremendous demand on the Bethel family for more and more literature. To cope with the demand, Brother Knorr wrote you in February inviting more young single brothers to apply for Bethel service. So far, more than 900 have written in for applications! What a wonderful demonstration of loyalty on the part of God’s people—to ‘offer themselves willingly for Jehovah’s service’! The opportunity to volunteer is still open; more workers are regularly needed.—Ps. 110:3.
To accommodate the anticipated increase in personnel of the Bethel family, it has been necessary to reduce the size of the Gilead School. So the present class, No. 57, is only about half the size of previous classes in recent years.
Meanwhile, the construction at Watchtower Farm is moving ahead at full speed. All indications are that by the end of 1974 the new factory building will be completed, considerably ahead of the original estimated date. For some time now, ten rotary presses in a finished portion of the Farm factory have been printing most of the Watchtower and Awake! magazines for this country, permitting an increase in the bound book production here in Brooklyn.
So let us look to Jehovah for greater expansion in the future, and let us pray that he continues to bless those remaining loyal down to the end.
Your brothers,