Toyota Recall - Government Motors exploits
Toyota Recall - Government Motors exploits
by possible-san 6 Replies latest social current
What a maroon!
You think I"m going to watch that tit?
Just hearing his voice made me turn it off. I applaud Toyota for recalling the vehicles and having the publics safety in the forefront. They made mistakes and they're fixing it. It makes me want to buy their cars more!
GM has a recall of their own today: power steering issues...
Toyota has had a golden reputation that they have earned by building excellent vehicles. It's a shame this happened. I hope they get this fixed ASAP.
Hi, all.
Thank you for your opinions.
Well, I respect the founder of the Chrysler Corp.
That I showed you that video is not the purpose of defending the Toyota.
I have not owned the Toyota car.I thought that the American old man in that video is an attractive person.
He is what is called a stubborn father/old man.
Probably, many Japanese people will love him.May God bless the United States!
I mentioned Toyota in a recent thread asking why the god of the bible takes no responsibility for the failure of Adam and Eve to function as they were created to and the suffering and death that has followed (according to the fall from grace and redemption theory)
Toyota have put their hand up and said they are sorry and will do all they can to do better in future. No shifting of blame to the people that made faulty electrical components. No blaming the workers. They take total responsibility for their creation. The blame goes to the top.
If imperfect humans can stand up and be counted...well you can work the rest out.
Perhaps Toyota are worthy of our worship?