The Other Side of the Blood Coin

by Lionel_P_Hartley 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lionel_P_Hartley

    By what authority, and on what scriptural basis, does the GB disregard the Apostolic Decree - to abstain from blood? Why do they support the blood industry whose factories take countless gallons of blood - in clear violation of the command that blood must be poured out - and extract vast numbers of extracts for medical usage. Where in scripture is the GB given the authority to violate God's law to Noah and the Apostolic Decree?

    Unlike the supposed "Governing Body" in Jerusalem, made up of individuals who had experienced direct, tangible manifestations of Holy Spirit, and which, once it made a decision, stuck to it, the present Governing Body seems to be carried hither and thither by every wave of human thought.

    The apostles acted, the GB reacts.



  • Gozz
    By what authority, and on what scriptural basis, does the GB disregard the Apostolic Decree - to abstain from blood?

    The GB violates the Apostolic Decree to abstain from blood only in their misleading interpretation of that decree. The Apostolic Decree was a reaffirmation of what has already been stated in Mosaic law.

    Why do they support the blood industry whose factories take countless gallons of blood - in clear violation of the command that blood must be poured out - and extract vast numbers of extracts for medical usage. Where in scripture is the GB given the authority to violate God's law to Noah and the Apostolic Decree?
    The practise of blood donation/storage can hardly be described as a violation of God's law to Noah. The Noachian prohibition on blood cannot be conclusively argued to apply to the situation. Genesis 9:3,4. states:

    Every moving animal that is alive may serve as food for YOU. As in the case of green vegetation, I do give it all to YOU. Only flesh with its soul—its blood—YOU must not eat.
    That statement clearly concerns what Noah could not do with the blood of animals he killed. That prohibition is specific. There are interesting posibilities for what Noah could do with blood. It is only under Mosaic Law that the bible indicates blood to be sacred, with the specific use of the atonement of sins in animal sacrifices.
  • Lionel_P_Hartley


    Exactly. I was trying to illustrate that the current WTS policy on blood is nonsensical according to JW theology itself. The only two possibilities that would make sense are either (i) a total prohibition on all blood components or (ii) the recognition that the Apostolic Decree and the Law to Noah don't apply to medical usage at all. Obviously the Mosaic Law doesn't apply to Christians at all. By "make sense" I mean as in "self-consistent."

    As it is the WTS allows JWs to "eat some blood but not other blood" which according to JW theology amounts to violating their own interpretation of the blood laws. An interesting discussion can be found at



  • Yadirf


    This is the final paragraph of the article that you provided a link to:

    The intent of this article is to provide a basis for the Society to perform a thorough scriptural re-examination of the blood doctrine. As has been emphasized, the Society is willing to consider suggestions from individual Jehovah's Witnesses for change. This might best be achieved by writing to the Society expressing one's opinions on the blood policy and the material contained here, if the reader feels that it has validity. Should you write the Society with a suggestion for change? That question can and should only be answered by each person individually.
    In view of the text as found at Daniel 11:35 I find the authors words above very relevant, and therefore intriguing. Considering how such efforts line up with what Daniel foretold it appears that the “time of the end” may not be too far distant.

    Thanks for the link.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Lionel_P_Hartley


    Thanks for pointing that out - while I don't perosnally believe we are in the time of the end, I've no problem with people thinking that as long as they do no damage, as the WTS has with some of its policies. I agree that the blood policy needs altering very speedily.


  • sunscapes

    I thought I'd quote Daniel 11:35 for those (like me sometimes) who are too lazy to look up the scripture!

    "And some of those having insight will be made to stumble, in order to do a refining work because of them and to do a cleansing and to do a whitening, until the time of (the) end; because it is yet for the time appointed." - NWT.

    From the kick my self in the butt and look up scripture class,

  • Yerusalyim

    Interesting post and good point! If the Soceity claims biblical grounds for refusing blood they should be eating ONLY Kosher slaughtered animals. Even "cooking the blood out" was considered a violation of the NO BLOOD policy of the Jews. At least they were consistent.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

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