How do they justify not having normal human interaction with non-believers?

by dgp 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    How does the society justify not allowing its members to have normal relationships with non-JWs? If I were to argue that this smells of the way other religions, such as moslems or Moonies act with respect to non-members, what do you think would be the way to rationalize it?

    Thank you in advance

  • sd-7

    They would simply assert that the stance is perfectly scriptural. 1 Cor. 15:33, James 4:4, 2 Cor. 6:14-18, and so on. They could point to the Israelites being told not to form covenants or alliances with the surrounding nations. "Normal" is a word that exists only in quotes for the Society. Human interaction with non-believers in the field ministry is sufficient as a demonstration of love towards one's neighbor. There might be some rare occasion where you might help a non-believer, but you wouldn't invite him or her over for dinner. That's just how it works. Everything is justifiable if you use the Bible the "right" way. Isn't it obvious?

  • LostGeneration

    Define normal. That is how they get away with it. They are masters at redefining words....see "Generation"

    They simply define normal as any only having friends that are also JW.

    They define normal as keeping all non-JW's at arm's length.

  • leavingwt

    Fear of displeasing Jehovah makes all things possible. Shunning is nothing, compared to 'killing' a loved one, by refusing to give them lifesaving blood treatment.

    It's very sad.

  • WTWizard

    One example is that they are "bad associations". I can remember one witless owning a coffee shop (obviously, I will not mention names). Yet, other witlesses were against going there--the excuse is "There are worldly people there, swearing and such." As if they are not going to run into even worse swearing (and guns, dogs, and the like) at the doors. As if they were not going to run into exactly the same swearing while at the supermarket or at any other place where people gather.

    They simply view worldly people as dirt, urine, poison, wicked, slaves of Satan, and bad associations. The only thing they feel it proper to do with worldly people is to preach to them, trying to get them to abandon a normal life and come into the cancer. Only then will they view such people as proper associations, and only if they are complying with all the rules and making progress into throwing away everything of sentimental value, quitting their jobs, and making it to all the boasting sessions and regular in studying (and, when the time comes, field circus).

  • nugget

    The society always generalises about "worldly people". They tell the R&F that they have low moral standards, are greedy and dishonest, that they don't really want to be your friend that they will use you. Whilst this may be true of some worldly people it is also true of some Brothers and Sisters. The R&F feel that letting their guard slip for a moment could be harmful after all someone is not really a nice person if they do not love Jehovah.

    It is a control mechanism by restricting friendships to congregation members you give a DF'd person no support network when they leave. It is also true that the majority are so controled the society does not need to justify their actions at all.

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