Read what your family is being fed in the non-downloadable Koolaid pages.
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by Black Sheep 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Read what your family is being fed in the non-downloadable Koolaid pages.
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i can hardly stand to even read in that FONT!
but i did glance around a little and look at
all the conjecture on pg 7
> it would seem
> suggests (twice)
> was likely
> must have been
> In FACT.... may have been
> doubtless
> may help explain
> perhaps
on one page! about 5 paragraphs or perhaps 6....
I just realised I missed page 29. It is unadulterated mind control, so I scanned it too.
Double post
This particular snippet isn't too blatant... but there we go again with the Korah thing. You know... anybody who questions the GB/WT is acting like Korah and will surely be destroyed... which implies the GB are equivalent to Moses. Hey, guys, don't you remember what happened to Moses in the end?
I think I would summarise page 29 in one word
Yes, guilt. If you disobey, your children down to the 4th generation will suffer.
This is the most blatant spiritual sickness I can think of--when you are afraid to do anything except what God tells you to do, you cannot possibly find the real truth. He is the Master Scammer--Original Sin and the "deliverance is at hand" are both whoppers of scams that make regular scams seem downright wimpy by comparison. And they keep people from looking beyond the Bible (which lies) for answers, keeping people in the Dark Ages.
Yes, the article was a waste of paper and a source of physical pollution. However, the spiritual pollution these articles create is far worse than the physical pollution.
You know those new Cocobutter creams work pretty well against Plagues 2-9
I love the rebel forces thing. Reminds me of the emperor in Star Wars. Next thing they don;t use the words Datan's tent but Datan's rebel base. hahahaha