I've often heard that Jehovah looks over his people like a parent watching over a child. Why doesn't a parent step in when the children are killing each other?
Crises of religion
by wha happened? 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think Jehovah needs to be reported to Social Services.
But he likes killing. It's all in his book.
Some children don't have fathers, so they invent a father in their mind so as not to feel left out.
They tell their mates at school about their father and make up stories about things they have done together.
They have messages written down that they claim their absent father sent to them.
Because the father is figment of their imagination no one ever sees him and he never talks to the child or helps him/her out of difficulties.
An invisible father exists only in the imagination.
I think one of the major issues with religion is that their time-based fear mongering just hasn't panned out. Time is their enemy. The other major issue is that they use(d) unprincipled tactics to try and control people. This, too, does not work.
From the 'Father knows best' school of thinking.
I guess some parents feel its best to let their children fight it out untl they kill each other off.......
This has always been my biggest struggle with theism. Someone once told me that 1. God didn't promise to protect us; 2. We can't expect God to do what we as humans would do..
.. not helpful, I know.
Deist- believe that something started life here got it going then moved on. Does that sound like the Genesis project from STAR TREK?
Found this about an ex-jw turning Deist and thought it was good:
I'm a Deist
I've always wondered that. With you and me it's different because we dont' have the power to change it. But doesn't he? What would we do if we could make the pain go away with the snap of a finger? But would that make a "paradise" life where everyone does what they are told or made to do (essentially the same thing all the time) and is boring and pointless? If you look at what people die of most often, aside from sickeness and old age it's war and violent crime. With disease and age one would think that an all powerful God would want to take away those causes of heartache we are powerless to prevent. And before anyone points out that it's just because we're imperfect now, that's kind of a lame excuse. But when it comes to people hurting each other, the biggest problem with free choice is that some people choose to be assholes. But should they not be able to make that choice, even though there are consequences? It gets a lot more complicated very quickly.