How stress can kill you

by Elsewhere 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Don't let stress ruin health, happiness

    take time for yourself, family

    September 09, 2009 | By Raymond Singer Special to The Morning Call - Freelance

    Stress kills. No doubt about it. Unfortunately there's plenty of stress to go around for everyone these days. And if you think you're immune, think again. Nationwide we're seeing a rise in stress-related illnesses in all age groups.

    "Was my heart attack caused by stress?" is a common question asked. I used to tell my patients, "Stress may not have caused your problems, but it doesn't help." Now, I'm not sure my answer goes far enough. The more I learn from my patients, the more I believe that emotional imbalance can be a direct source of heart disease.

    Recently a patient of mine suffered a severe panic attack. She became so profoundly short of breath that she needed to be placed on life support. Her EKG suggested she was having a massive heart attack, so she was rushed to the cardiac catheterization lab. To our surprise, her coronary arteries were normal, but she had marked ballooning of her heart muscle that would otherwise be consistent with extensive damage.

    It turns out that this patient was suffering from a real disease called stress-induced cardiomyopathy. The syndrome was first described in 1991 and typically occurs in middle-age to elderly women who have suffered a great loss, such as the death of a spouse, but it can happen to anyone.

    For reasons that are unclear, the heart muscle fails, even though there are no blockages in the coronary arteries. And, patients can actually die from this syndrome, giving credence to the saying that she "died of a broken heart" or he was "scared to death."

    How does this happen? We know that stress causes the release of chemicals in the blood known as catecholamines -- the most common one known as Adrenalin. Adrenalin causes a rise in blood pressure and heart rate and is actually part of the body's natural defense mechanism known as the "Fight or Flight" syndrome.

    Back when we were cavemen (and women) this "Fight or Flight" defense mechanism came in handy when we were being chased by saber-toothed tigers. The pupils in our eyes would dilate so we could see better, blood would be shunted to our muscles so we could run faster, and our hearts would pump harder to meet the oxygen demands of our body.

    The problem is that we're no longer chased by saber-toothed tigers -- only metaphorically perhaps. And, therein lies the problem. In modern times, our bodies react to stress and worry the same way we did when we were cavemen. However, the physical threat is no longer there, only the perceived emotional threat.

    As a heart surgeon, this worries me about my own health. In addition to the stress of performing high risk operations, a heart surgeon is basically never off duty. Sure, we have an on-call schedule for emergencies, but if you perform open heart surgery on a patient during the day, then you're on-call that night. For the past 20 years, I have slept with my pager on the nightstand.

    Like you, when times are tough, I tend to work harder, exercise less and get no sleep -- all bad. The other day I asked my 7-year-old daughter what she wanted to be when she grew up. She said, "Daddy, I would like to be a patient." I said, "Honey, why in the world would you ever want to be a patient?" Her big green eyes filled with tears and she said, "If I were a patient then I would get to see my Daddy more."

    I could hardly breathe. I realized that despite all of the advice that I have given to my patients, I've neglected myself and my family. You see, it doesn't matter if you're a heart surgeon, businessman, teacher, or temporarily unemployed -- stress affects your health, your family and your happiness.

    My advice is simple. Take time for yourself and your family. Remember that the cup is half full, not half empty. Concern yourself with the things you can change and leave the rest for others to worry about. And, when things get really rough, ask yourself this: "Is it worth dying for?" The answer is, "No, never." Then go and hug someone you love.

    Raymond L. Singer, M.D., is a cardiothoracic surgeon practicing at Lehigh Valley Health Network. He lives in South Whitehall Township.

  • Heaven

    Elsewhere, excellent post! Thank you for this article. I think one of the biggest problems in this life is all the stress loaded on us by religion, and in particular for those of us here on JWN, the JW religion.

    Then go and hug someone you love.

    This is good advice. Sharon, Lois, and Bram performed a song called 'Four Hugs a Day" -- it's the minimum. Unfortunately, I think many don't have this in their lives. I don't. Neither does my Dad.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Stress is one of the necessary ingredients for Watchtower Corporation function. Although they advertise themselves as "the happiest people on earth", it is important that WT litteratrash keep up the "do more" mantra and point out the weaknesses and failings of the sheeples. With all of them stressed, it's easier to keep them focused on the carrot--the hope for a stress-free paradise... soon. Of course it's easy enough to convince them that all the stress, anxiety, and problems they are feeling now are because of Satan's system and human imperfection. Nonsense, the stress is because of believing false prophecies, trying to meet irrational demands, and refusing opportunities for self-improvement.

    Nothing like whitewashing a happy facade over a stressful reality. That's my experience.

  • WTWizard

    No wonder the witlesses tend to be fat, sick, and die at a relatively early age.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Thanks for this. I really needed this article right about now.

  • FreudianSlip

    A few months ago I had some blood work done, my cortisol levels were through the roof! My doctor was shocked. He pretty much ordered me to calm the f*ck down. After that I was sure I was in line for a heart attack at 31. I still might be.

  • Mall Cop
    Mall Cop

    Elsewhere, Thanks for that wake up article. Recently my boss took on another responsibility and his plate was way too full. The stress got to him, he drank a lot of coffee and smoked a lot of cigarettes on the job. He just turned 64, two weeks later he died from a stroke just before Thanksgiving.

    We believe that the stresses he put on himself killed him.


  • on the rocks
    on the rocks

    Thanks for the post...I feel light.

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