Check out my video about partaking last year even though I was disfellowshipped and why I did it. Here is the link:
I Partook at The Memorial Last Year Even Though I Am Disfellowshipped
by Clint Bussey 5 Replies latest jw friends
Great video! Thanks for posting! Enjoyed your other video's as well...
But sanctify the Christ as Lord in YOUR hearts,
always ready to make a defense before everyone
that demands of YOU a reason for the hope in YOU,
but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.(1 Peter 3:15)
You explained it "with a mild temper and deep respect". I really liked your video.
Thank you!
torn in two son
I have to say that I agreed with 95% of the dialogue in your video. It is absolutley ridiculous that we play this game of being shunned by JW's. If you're backfiring their only weapon, shunning, well then they have nothing against us. There were two things though that stood out in your video that I disagreed with. I doubt that the GB would go to the trouble of thinking up some devious plot of why we don't partake. Too much trouble, things are working out fine so far, why overcomplicate things? Lastly, it was in the comments, you said you didn't decide to partake on your own. That you "recieved a spirit and a mindset" to do this. Now, I am in no place to say that God does not exist. We really don't have any proof to prove that he absolutley does or absolutley doesn't exsist. But what I think your direction could have been, may have been Cognitive bias, specifically Covariation Theory. (Nothing you can't read up on in wikipedia) Just maybe, you may have wanted to partake of the emblems and that from the desire of wanting to, a subconcious "message" told you that partaking is correct choice. Who knows, I could be totally wrong. I do think though that partaking, "annointed" or not, is a fabulous idea. Just wait until the sunny morning of Nisan 15 as the the GB counts the attendance from the night before, only to come with a total partaking of 146,000!
Torn In Two Son
Clint Bussey
As far as "God" goes, I have a very Carl Jung take on him/her. I have not heard of Covariation Theory, but I will have to check it out. Let's all go back and partake. Maybe it will awaken the collective unconcious of the Witnesses.
Maybe it will awaken the collective unconcious of the Witnesses.
I doubt it man. They'll just cry "Apostate!" and ignore it, I would think. They probably didn't even report you as a partaker if they knew you and knew you were disfellowshipped. I get your point, and it's great how you have the courage to look them in the eye and call them out on something you feel is wrong, but I wouldn't make any bets about your actions imacting the organization as a whole. Still, nice video!