Proof! WTS Pushed 1975 Date on JWs

by tfs 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • tfs

    Its a Fact:

    The WTS cleverly and insiduously "pushed" the date of 1975 on the congregation of JWs. This is especially true since the year of 1968 and the release of the "blue bomb" or "Truth" book, which finally totalled in circulation over 100 million copies in some 115 languages worldwide.

    This book, "The Truth that leads to Eternal Life", overtly shows the WTS actually pointed to and "pushed" the date of 1975 upon the JWs worldwide.

    As many recall, with the release of this book JWs were urged to resort to a limited time frame of up to a maximum of 6 months of Bible study with persons of interest. Why? Because "time was so short". We were too close to Armageddon to waste time anymore with "unproductive" Bible studies.

    Those who were JWs before 1968 know that, PRIOR to this, persons of interest could study with JWs for years on end, year in and year out, without really making any progress toward baptism. And this was acceptable. But, after the release of this book in 1968, this all changed.

    Bible studies could now be stopped or "dropped" after less than 2 months or so of study, if no genuine "interest" in the message was detected by the teacher, and no real progress toward baptism as a disciple was being made. The WTS said, "drop the study", if no progress was being made, at least within a "6-month" period of time.

    With the release of this information, a new urgency and vitality was infused into JWs, pointing forward to the date of 1975. Baptismal figures from 1969-1974 show this to be the case, with an unheard of, unprecedented total of close to 3 hundred thousand new recruits being baptized in 1974 alone (297,872 baptized).

    This large increase in numbers can be directly accredited and attributed to the WTS' new 6-month "drop'em-or-baptism'em-'fore-75" policy since 1968 and the release of the "Truth" book.

    The following quote is proof of that. First the original quote made back in 1968, 7 years before 1975.

    "The Truth that leads to Eternal Life" page 9, par. 9 -- 1968 edition

    "...Also, as reported back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, declared that our time is "a period of unequaled instability, unequaled violence." And he warned: "I know enough of what's going on to assure you, IN FIFTEEN YEARS FROM TODAY [or in 1975], this world is going to be too dangerous to live in."

    Now, the newer, revised version of the same "The Truth that leads to Eternal Life" book, revised since the year of 1975, [1981 edition]

    "...Also, as reported back in 1960, a former United States Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, declared that our time is "a period of unequaled instability, unequaled violence." Based on what he knew was then going on in the world, it was his conclusion that SOON "this world is going to be too dangerous to live in."

    Why the change in the quote? What's the difference in the two different quotes?

    If the WTS was not pushing the date of 1975, why revise the original quotation of the politician, which definitely points to the date of 1975 as being significant and worthy of note?

    This quote-change is actual proof and evidence of the WTS' clever behind-the-scenes pushing of the date of 1975 on the JWs before 1975. Then, after nothing occurs in 1975, they systematically act to remove their "paper trail" of guilt. They remove any strand and/or trace of incriminating evidence "left-behind" in the original publication which could possibly be used at a future date, as proof that they "pushed" a date, and of their being the false prophets they actually are.

    TheFalseprophetSlayer (tfs)

    *Dean Acheson's quote taken from U.S. News & World Report, June 13, 1960, pp. 116, 119

  • dungbeetle

    You would have to ask why the GB, in the first place, is quoting people in their literature, when as JW's we wouldn't even be allowed to eat a meal with these 'wordly' ones.

    It's just like the Catholics. The WT spent 50 years badmouthing the Catholics and Catholicism, and then quotes from their literature.

    And my last point, about JW's not being 'allowed' to read 'apostate' literature; my favorite counterpoint is that Solomon died an apostate, but the Watchtower loves to quote from his writings. They say "well he wrote all that before he apostocised.' I respond, "well, the apostates are writing about things that took place when they were JW's, so what's the difference?"

    Oh, back to the is strange that the Watchtower would change that quote, especially when they themselves didn't say it. It's just like the 1917 'treason edition' of The Finished Mystery; it was, as they say, only a quote from another author, but they were willing to taek it out and reissue the books minus this quote, to get their sorry excuse for human backsides out of prison.

    While bodies were piling high all over the surface of the earth in a world war, the GB were willing to compromise themselves because they didn't want to go to prison. Waahhh!!!

    Hope I didn't derail your thread too much, sorry.


    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

  • terafera

    Must be why the sister that studied with me when I was 13 dropped me after about 6 months of studying. She told my mom that there was no chance of me getting baptized immediately and dropped me like a hot potato. She did me a favor...

    Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
    Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Brother. I agree with much of your post, however I disagree when you state that the 300,000 member increase in 1973 (74?)was due to dropping "unproductive" studies.
    There has LONG been a correlation between groups setting predictions and rapid increase in growth.
    I experienced this personally in a group called "Planetary Activation Organization" 6 years back. A Date was set for the return of "space brothers" to terra (earth)to lead use into 4th dimensional utopia, and the movement exploded with growth.
    Witnesses reading this may scoff, but growth and prediction are closely intertwined.
    Interestingly last week I was listening to a Fred Franz speech on what I call the "Eve extension" regarding 1975. We might have to wait a while past 1975 to allow the time between thr creation of Adam, and the creation of eve to elapse. This was a major speech at the time explaining the WTBTS predictive 1975 failure, anyway, the very next talk on the program after Fred finished mumbling, was Nathan Knorr.
    He spoke about the GROWTH that took place during the org from 69 to 74. It was massive. The fact is, predictions set peoples zeal and hopes afire. The fact that the predictions, later, fail to materialize, seems hardly to matter.
    If you want to start a religious movement...set a prediction. The method is well proven.

  • DIM

    they were saying the same thing with the Knowledge book a few years ago....they just want to create a sense of urgency in the brain washed followers.

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

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