Ok..fixed! Look at the small print on this ad! LOL

by WuzLovesDubs 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    Is THAT what you look like when you use this stuff??? And if these arent TYPICAL RESULTS...then what ARE? LOL

  • cantleave

    in my 142% of nothing = nothing.

  • Elsewhere

    "Increase hair strength by 142%"

    If that were true it would revolutionize the construction industry. We would have mile-high buildings everywhere and a space elevator carrying cargo into space.

  • SacrificialLoon

    I always liked this one ad for this thing called the teeter-totter. It turns you upsidedown and is supposed to help your back, and during the ad when the old guy it telling you it'll cure all your back problems in small print on the bottom of the screen it says "extraoridinary claims". They might as well say yeah we're pretty much making this crap up.

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