I don't like it when you try to pick my friends

by mrsjones5 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    Saturday morning my mother calls. I missed the call cuz I had to take my oldest boy to the dentist but I promptly called my mother when I got back home. We chatted for a while and she asked if I had made any friends. I said I speak to my friends all the time but she wanted to know if I had made any friends close to home. I replied not really.

    Then she asked if I had joined a church yet. I said that we have one in mind that we've gone to a couple of times and we want the children to go there since they have a really extensive and active children's ministry, even a special class for Joshua, but we've just haven't made it there yet. She goes on to say that I need to network and make friends and what about Heidi (not the lady's real name) who lives a couple of blocks from you? She goes on to say that Heidi left the "truth" for the same reasons I did (I so wanted to asked her what she thought those reasons were and then set her straight but I didn't really want to go there ) and she has children that go to the same schools that mine go to and we have so much in common.

    Heidi is studying with a friend of my mother's and is attending my mother's hall the next city over which my mother pointedly expressed that Heidi and her family really should be attending a hall in my neck of the woods. So Mother goes on to say that the next time I see Heidi I should say hi and strike up a conversation. Ok, I see Heidi every day. I smile and say hi in passing. I've even seen Heidi's husband at school who didn't speak even though I'm quite sure he knew who I was. Heidi used to say a whole lot more than hi but ever since I've been wearing mi cross all that stopped. Again I didn't tell that to my mother, just said yeah I see her at the kids' school everyday.

    Here's the kicker: A few hours after I spoke to my mother, Heidi's oldest son called for my oldest son and invited him over to hang out. Coincidence? I think not.

    I don't make friends easily and I hate being pushed towards anyone by my mother, especially when I know my mother underlying motive is to pull me back (and possibly my kids) into the bOrg.

    I don't see anything progressing passed the hi stage for Heidi and I.

  • asilentone

    Mrs. Jones, you said that you do not make friends easily, try www.craigslist.org you can make a friend with a female that has children, just a suggestion to consider.

  • mrsjones5

    I'm in no hurry and it wasn't something I brought up but thanks for the tip Asilentone.

  • undercover

    On the positive side... your mom cares.

    On the cynical side...where I usually like to stay: She cares enough to meddle in your business...where she doesn't belong.

    But...it's like they say, 'you can choose your friends but not your family'. You can shrug it off as moms being moms. Or if she keeps it up you can confront her and tell her to back off.

    About making friends: You can't force friendships. Friends are made when you're not expecting it or when you're being yourself and you meet other of like mind. Some of us have a harder time making friends but that doesn't mean were lonely or friendless. We're careful about who we allow into our inner circle. In the meantime, we find ways to entertain ourselves and keep busy.

    I've seen photos of your husband/kids... I'd say that's a pretty tight inner circle right there.

  • wobble

    We had a comedy programmme on telly in the U.K called HI DI HI (pronounced Heidi Hi) and I think that is just what you should stick to, hi and no more.

    It is amazing how Dubs think such inept trickery will draw you back in, instead of repelling you, I think they know it is a crap tactic, but think Jehoober will make it work LOL.

    If you are forced to talk to the lady, plant a seed or two of doubt, i.e "could you please explain how Jesus could choose the Dubs in 1919, in the light of what they were teaching?" then she will soon be told to stay away from you.



  • Gregor

    Good instincts, Jonesy. This was a set up deal. Your Mom means well but she would never be hired by the CIA. Having the JW kid call the same day was pretty obvious. Maybe you should invite him over to have popcorn and play with the ouija board and snack on skittles (skittles are Smurf droppings).

  • mrsjones5

    Great minds think a like ya'll.

    Yeah Mother cares in her own self-serving way but I'm just not comfortable with the folks she trys to push on me. Now if my son wants to hang out with this kid I might go for it but if any funny stuff starts I will shut it down like Donkey Kong.

  • mrsjones5

    Update about my oldest son:

    He told me that Heidi's son told him that his family are jws and my son said that he knew that cuz his mom told him so and he (my son) wasn't interested in that (the bOrg). Hubby was a tad worried but I told him that our son has a good head on his shoulders, my boy proved me right. I'm so proud.


    You can pick your friends.

    You can pick your nose.

    But you can't pick your friend's nose!

    Advice from the gladiator

  • mrsjones5

    lol I love silly gladiators

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