Has anyone done this? I would think many would have with technology now, and there would be websites with tons of clips, and showing how the defenses, scriptures, etc brought up and responses by elders.
Secretly recording judicial meeting on apostacy, or your exit.....
by EndofMysteries 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There have been many posts on this point and yes there are quite a few recordings around.
Heres one:
One poster even recommended one of the Sony voice recorders, unfortunately the quality has always been poor.
I think the answer is to use a Mobile phone with recording capabilities, in a recent visit from the elders I noticed one had a mobile on all the time, maybe they also have this thought.
It's so bad that thinkgeek.com doesn't deliver in my country, I would definitely buy these spy glasses: http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/security/c3eb
If I had one of these, I'd reconsider actually showing up for my JC that will sonner or later catch up with me.
It may seem important to do this at the time you are leaving, but trust me on this: In about 2 or 3 years, you really could care less.
There comes a day when you just no longer think about the JWs as any more than remembering when you were in high school, and it is pretty obvious that you don't want or need to play over and over again your high school graduation on video.
If I had one of these, I'd reconsider actually showing up for my JC that will sonner or later catch up with me
Why even bother? I haven't been JC'ed yet, and I wouldn't waste my time with that kangaroo court, unless there were elders there that I would want to try to reason with and leave a little seed.
Rick Fearon's is on YouTube under the user name, araretreat.
Here's a JC meeting transcript. It's a very good read. I consider it instrumental in my exit: http://www.towerwatch.com/Testimonies/james_caputo.htm