When addressing the first-century Christian congregation in Ephesus, Jesus spoke of “the love you had at first.” The Ephesians had many good qualities, yet the love they once manifested for Jehovah had waned. Hence, Jesus told them: “I know your deeds, and your labor and endurance, and that you cannot bear bad men, and that you put those to the test who say they are apostles . . . You are also showing endurance, and you have borne up for my name’s sake and have not grown weary. Nevertheless, I hold this against you, that you have left the love you had at first.” (Rev. 2:2-4) Jesus’ counsel to the Ephesians and to other congregations he addressed in the book of Revelation has been fitting in view of conditions that existed for a time among anointed Christians from 1914 on. (Rev. 1:10) Yet, it is possible that even now some Christians may lose “the love [they] had at first” for Jehovah and for Christian truth. w08 6/15 4:3, 4
They keep pushing 1914 - They are not going to let it go.