Deconstructing JW arguments...

by Tuesday 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    Hey folks, I made this series of videos a couple of days ago and someone sent me a private message to post it here. There's a commenter on my videos (specifically the Introduction one, you can look at it, he's still going at it) that I've posted his comments, my responses but more importantly every single logical fallacy and cult tactic that the poster used in his comments. Alot of people have said it's really helpful and they're going to use the videos to identify and call out other JWs when they use them. Comment if you like the videos, and definitely leave a message for the commenter jaycanz7 (you can find him on youtube) to let him know how well he did in representing his religion...

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I don't know if I need to get my hearing checked, so someone else confirm this please: the cartoon dude is very hard for me to understand. Anyone else have to turn up the volume for the cartoon dude and down for Tim and up and down and up and down throughout the video? Or do I need a hearing aid?

  • Tuesday

    The cartoon guy is me, just with some heavy effects. Sorry I spoke a little softly on that one. The sound is always a problem with me :(

  • ziddina

    Oh, yeah! I saw those videos; very good job! I enjoyed your comments! Zid

  • Tuesday

    The guy is still going on my introduction video, my comments are getting more and more sarcastic to the point where he's typing in all caps and literally making up stuff about me to insult. It's become rather sad. Send the user messages, I'm sure he'd love it, LOL.

  • cantleave

    Looking forward to more Tim.

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