Once President Osama Obama is impeached and thrown in jail (along with everyone else that is holding this country hostage), and a president with the "No initiatory force, threats of force, or fraud" mentality is in his place, the true new order will begin. And it will be through destruction of bureaucracies that have been holding us back. If religion is also holding us back, these religions will be exposed and people free to abandon them (they will go belly up). At which point, science will be free to work on solving all of our problems. No God will be necessary.
On the other hand, if those competing political parties (like the Libertarians and Twelve Visions Party, which are both attempting to move in that direction) or independents with similar policies are squashed by the Establishment, we will never see the true new order (a New Dark Ages, maybe, but no true new order). Science will be forever prevented from moving ahead. Scientific fraud that is the result of the Establishment forcing them to throw out valid conclusions will continue to be the norm, and people will never trust those with the correct ideas. People that innovate will continue being taxed to death and/or thrown in jail. Religions and cults (Christian and/or Muslim) will thrive and continue getting more and more oppressive. Tyranny will reign supreme.
We really need to lose President Osama Obama, and both house leaders. We also need to lose the One World Totalitarian Government, either with forcible removal or by not supporting it. We need to let scientists step up and do their jobs without telling them how to do their jobs. Or else, we will all become mere robots.