Magicians spend countless hours
preparing and practicing for their big show of illusion, and they never expose their secrets. Like magicians, the Watchtower Society puts forth considerable effort in the clever and manipulative preparation of their
writings to present ingenious statements and masterful arrangements of misleading
propositions. Secretly hidden in the writing department is the literary code to deliberately decive and hypnotize the naive reader. Some of these deceitful writing tricks that are deliberately implemented within Watchtower publications will be discussed in depth Sat. March 13 ,7PM est on The Sixscreens Of The Watchtower Conference Call. It's easy to get on the call. Just dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925. Many mind controlling institutions utilize these cheap hypnotic writing tricks to convince loyal followers that they have the "truth". The Watchtower Society is a shining example of this.