I want to slap this hypocritical priest in the face.
Hey look... Bill O'Reilly gets it right for once!!!! Catholic School Expels Two Kids For Having Lesbian Parents
by whereami 4 Replies latest jw friends
This is weird. Looks utterly fake. What's with the "Priest"? He's rolling around in his chair like he owns the place. Very odd.
I think the kids are lucky they don't have to go to Catholic School.
His "Justification".
What wisdom is at work in not having children of a gay marriage in a Catholic school?
If a child of gay parents comes to our school, and we teach that gay marriage is against the will of God, then the child will think that we are saying their parents are bad. We don't want to put any child in that tough position - nor do we want to put the parents, or the teachers, at odds with the teachings of the Catholic Church. Why would good parents want their children to learn something they don't believe in? It doesn't make sense. There are so many schools in Boulder that see the meaning of sexuality in an entirely different way than the Catholic Church does. Why not send their child there?
The core issue for us Catholics on this question is our freedom and our obligation to teach about marriage and family life as our Faith teaches. If parents see the cultural interpretation of what tolerance has become as more important than the teachings of Jesus, then we become unfaithful to the Lord and we lose the meaning of the beatitude, "Blessed are you when they insult you for My sake, for the Kingdom of Heaven is yours." Many of Jesus' teachings were not popular. In fact, He was crucified for His teachings.
Glossing over differences on essential matters, and pretending that crucial issues are irrelevant, is not tolerance.
It is relativism, meaning that nothing is important anymore and everyone can have their own interpretation of what is goodness and truth. This kind of tolerance, which is a decidedly secularist invention, seeks to separate all moral discourse from public life. However, those who embrace this kind of tolerance do not, of course, acknowledge that they are imposing their own moral judgments upon society.
The Catholic Church invests in parish schools so as to assist children in becoming disciples of Christ and to stand as a light shining in the darkness that has rejected Christianity and the truth of being human, including the meaning of human sexuality.
Two opposing thoughts exist in the Bible's teachings. First that man (and apparently woman) were made in god's image. Secondly that homosexuality goes against nature (meaning that heterosexuality is "natural" and homosexuality is "unnatural").
Considering the examples of homosexual 'relationships' found in nature, which is how these species were made (presumably by the same god who made human mammals), how can homosexuality be "natural" in those other species, but "unnatural" between humans?
And if god made humans in his image, it stands to reason that if a person is gay, then that's how god intended for them to be. So either they are made in god's image or not made in god's image. And if made in god's image, and their nature tells them that they are gay, to be straight would be unnatural.
Frankly, I'm glad the kids won't have to endure a religious schooling.