Coming to a Watchtower Near You
by WuzLovesDubs 2 Replies latest jw friends
Kinda scary that the WTS too has yet figured out how to use 'charming and attractiveness' in the same manner.
Frankly many of the R&F are getting quite 'sedentary' in their appearance...
Beyond that I am disgusted, utterly disgusted by the lack of support for the victims and condemnation of the guilty! The Order should be shut down and it's member investigated for signs of continued abuse!
I knew Marcial Maciel personally as I attended many of his conferences in small groups. His organization was my and my brother's entry into Catholisism at age 14. The program started innocently with weekly meetings and discussed social and geopolitical issues and -I must say- I was fascinated; Religion was never discussed, but eventually, scripture began being quoted after about one year from the beguining. I dumped them on my second year; too many things made no sense and refused to explain things. "The answers are too complex to be understood by mere men." They said. "Just have faith it is the way we say it is." That did not fly with me. When I left there were 2 or 3 harrassing epidodes, but nothing out of control. Of course, nobody knew Maciel's hobbies and all worked for a greater good.
The reason the Legionaries are so influencial with the Popes is because the order is top contributor$ to the Vatican. I can not be more precise than that. There is a reason their nick name "Jesus' Millionaires" (Los Legionarios de Cristo --> Los Millonario$ de Cristo). 3 of my school mates were sucked into priesthood and only one came back. He told stories of hughe bussiness-makings (including numerous private and expensive schools colleges and universities where they recruit the elite of each country) of massive real-state dealings, and that the enormous profits are "passed on" to the Vatican in exchange of various priviledges. We see now, pedophilia was one of those priviledges that went -if not rewarded- unpunished and never reported to the cops.
I never witnessed abuses or severe discipline, but again, I was a 'candidate' and they were nice and supposedly, open-minded and better trained than Jesuits. Good ridance!