If this is true the secular world will be convinced that jehovah's witnesses are a dangerous cult
Has anyone got any information on this ?
by recovering 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mail_on_Sunday
The Mail on Sunday is a British newspaper, currently published in a tabloid format. First published in 1982 by Lord Northcliffe, it is Britain's second biggest-selling Sunday newspaper after The News of the World. [ 2 ]
I tried to see if it was a bogus tabloid like The News of the World, but it's online version seems to be trying to look legitimate. The closest I got to another weird story that stings of untruth was "Rise in marriages between cousins 'putting children at risk of birth defects', warns Baroness"
The Daily Mail (from the link Blondie provides) is owned by the same people.
ah thank you it seemed too bizare even for jehovah's witnesses
Made up story? If so, by whom?
The mail on Sunday is OK. Very biased politically to the right and anti-Europe but their news reporting is good enough for me to believe them.
I was saying their stories seem legitimate.
I tried to see if it was a bogus tabloid like The News of the World, but ....
I implied that I could not say it was like News of the Weird. The story may be correct. It's just odd that no others picked up on the story (as far as internet searches go).
There's more than enough verifiable proof that the Watchtower has set up a high-control religion with several characteristics of a cult.
Thousands of JW's are on record at Brooklyn headquarters as pedophiles (being watched by the congregation but not reported to the police). The congregation takes no action against these because they misapply a Bible verse about two witnesses being necessary (and probably no pedophile brings an eyewitness to their perverted actions).
Thousands of JW's and their children have died due to a deadly restriction on whole blood transfusions, although blood fractions are allowed. These are concrete examples to which we can point.
If many hundreds of JW's went on killing sprees, then it would show something. Any group can attract a couple whacked-out fringe people like these 2 from Russia.