Mormons Peddling on my Street

by cameo-d 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • cameo-d

    They were wearing suspenders, black pants, long sleeve white shirt and white helmets.

    I was available; out in my yard----but they did not stop.

    Do you suppose they just go out riding to "put in time" like the JWs? Do they hang out in coffee shops? Are they expected to turn in "time cards" and "potential converts"? Do they turn in records of who is home on each street?

    Is this part of their service ritual in reaching for higher status in the church? Must they do this for a certain length of time?

    Why is it always young boys---never older men or even females?

  • UnConfused

    They do this for up to two years. According to this site (below) females and even older ones do, but I can confirm in Maine I only see young males. It says on this site that males can apply at 19 and women at 21.

  • mrsjones5

    I've had female and male mormon missionaries come to my door in Indiana. Here in Cali it's only been males.

  • ziddina

    It's usually young males because they're the only ones who can ride those special bicycles with the upper bar on the frame...


  • Thirdson

    I saw a couple of Mormon boys, by the Red River of all places, today in Fargo. I kinda regret not speaking to them but I was with my family. Outside of door knocking when I have seen them I have spoken to the boys, asked where the're from and how long they been away from home. I think they are as misguided as I as a twenty-something JW, but a little kindness can't be bad and in many way I think their missionary tour is pretty tough.

    I like Baxter Black's (cowboy poet and large animal veternarian) story of the Mormom boys and the Baptist lady. No one is converted but some boys away from home get to enjoy some homestyle cooking.


  • purplesofa

    I had some Mormans call on me right after I faded from JW. They were nice kids, saying they do it for two years, I don't know what the actual preaching time they have to put in per day, but they told me they had to volunteer six hours per week helping people out in the way of work. They begged for weeks to rake my yard and I finally let them as they were desperate to get the six hours in. I tried to pay them and they would not take it, so the next time they came and did not work, I gave them a card with some money in it. I told them it was just a gift, not a payment.


  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    We had a couple of Mormon boys move in next door when we were Where The Need Was Great.

    Apparently the need was greater for Mormonism as their growth rate outstripped us my miles.

    So much for the notion that growth = Jehovah's blessing.



  • cameo-d

    Purps: "but they told me they had to volunteer six hours per week helping people out in the way of work. They begged for weeks to rake my yard and I finally let them as they were desperate to get the six hours in."

    I think my yard must have look liked 10 hours of work. Perhaps that's why they did not stop here.

    Years ago, Mormons stopped at one of my neighbor's. They gave her a video to watch. I guess that's how they get their return visits in---when they go back to pick up the video and ask questions about what you thought of it. I have never seen one of their videos. Don't know if my neighbor watched it. I think she was atheist.

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